I hate asking for reviews by my clients, but I also recognize their value for clients who are trying to evaluate whom to interview and hire when buying or selling real estate in the Charlottesville area.
Browsing Category General Real Estate
Answering some Questions About Solar in Charlottesville
Thinking about adding solar to your home in Charlottesville? Sigora Solar answered some questions for clients, and I thought I’d share.
Listen to My Client – Local Lenders Matter
When buying a home, please work with a local lender. Having someone accountable to the client, the realtor, the community, matters immensely.
Talking about Podcasting and Blogging
Talking to Realtors in Richmond about Podcasting and Blogging; two extremely useful tools that, when used well, can help make the implementer a better practitioner.
1st Quarter Charlottesville Real Estate Market Report – Here’s the Turn
The market is turning. And I’ll be writing about this in depth in the coming monthly note (subscribe here). Your micro-market matters more than top-level reports. That said, I think the Charlottesville area real estate…
Writing a Bit Less on the Blog
I’m writing less here on RealCentralVA, and that’s ok. Things ebb and flow, and now (mid-2019) is an ebb. I’m focusing for now on my Monthly Note (JimsNote.com), while I’m posting here with less frequency. Rather than stress about it, I’m accepting the ebb so I’m ready for the flow.
Creating Content. It’s Worthwhile Work
Writing matters. Writing is a way for me to work through ideas, publish things I send often to clients, archive thoughts, and provide, for better or worse, a track record for people to learn about…