Browsing Category Green

10 Easy green tips for Charlottesville

Adding simple green components to your home can add immediate value not only for you, but from a resale value perspective as well.  Hint: buyers are asking about green features in homes.1 – Rain recapture/harvesting systems and at the Rivanna Store2 – Small Solar arrays3 – Upgrade insulation and weather stripping4 – Avoid toxic cleaners whenever possible; use green products.5 – Visit the Charlottesville Habitat Store6 – Join a CSA7 – Green building resource guide8 – Go green today9 – Green your air conditioning10 – Educate yourself.  Read green blogs (here are some of the green blogs I read)* several of the links above were found at Move’s Green blogWhat are some of the easy green tips that you have found for your home?

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These cities may have green condos, but Charlottesville will have a LEED-certified development

From CNN Money (h/t: Move):As environmental building becomes more popular, condo developers are selling their “green” credentials to cost and ecology-conscious consumers.Cost and ecology-conscious consumers are no longer necessarily mutually exclusive….  Belvedere, has been accepted into the LEED(R) for Neighborhood Development Pilot Program, which is being conducted by the U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC).  Belvedere is the first neighborhood in Central Virginia to participate in this new LEED program, which has developed the highest benchmark system for environmentally responsible and sustainable development….The LEED for Neighborhood Development rating system integrates the principles of smart growth, urbanism, and green building into the first national rating system for neighborhood design.  The rating system will be a tool to help planners and developers create communities that not only protect the environment, but also address important public health issues such as physical activity, traffic accidents, respiratory illnesses, and affordable housing.Much remains to be seen as to whether Belvedere actually becomes what they promise.

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Tuesday links 07-17-2007

In Virginia, buyers have three days from their receipt of the HOA/Condo package to walk from a transaction – carte blanche….  Yet another way to market oneself as “green.”What happens when your neighbors object to your “greening”?  How about a solar-powered radon mitigation system?Death of the farmer’s market, or the downside to mainstream commoditization….  Both of which bring me to another post by Seth Godin – Times a Million.All (most) that you ever wanted to know about Biscuit Run, as well as Places 29.

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A sustainable University and beyond

It seems that whenever I miss something cool (to me) in Charlottesville, one of my first thoughts is,” I hope Charlottesville Tomorrow was there.”  Once again, they have come through with their coverage of UVA’s “Greener Grounds” conference the other day, leading also to UVA’s new sustainability website….  UVA is a leader in many different areas:All new buildings constructed at the University of Virginia will be built to LEED certification….  Efforts to save water and electricity will be continued, resulting in a lower environmental impact and increased cost savings.This is one huge step closer to being able to declare green “mainstream.”I’ll reiterate my prediction: If builders aren’t building green within the next three to five years, they will be left behind by their competitors.

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Earthcraft in Charlottesville

Charlottesville Tomorrow continues to provide quality information, this time a good six-minute video on EarthCraft homes in the Charlottesville area:If only we can move from building to 2300 square foot homes (or less) rather than 3,700 square feet (PDF) …  That the Blue Ridge Homebuilders have very actively jumped on board the “green building” movement.  I’ve said it before altruism will only go so far; as consumers show there is a demand, green will continue its move to mainstream.  If you can, take the time this weekend to take the 2007 EarthCraft Home tour around the Charlottesville/Albemarle area.

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Market demand for green building in Charlottesville

The Real Estate Weekly, newcomer House and Home, the Green Matters series being run by Habitat for Humanity,(their links page is here) …  Right now there are 17 properties on the market here with the term “EarthCraft” in the remarks, and 3 with “Earth Craft;” (Large PDFs are here as the links expire in 10 days) Charlottesville is consistently rated as one of the top “green” places in the country….  Many buyers note that windows and insulation will be among the first upgrades they made after they purchase….  Building and renovating green are more long-term decisions that many in the market – buyers, builders, Realtors, lenders – are not yet used to.

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My own little green carnival

The first in a series of infrequent green carnivals here ……  I’ve said it before; the majority of people will not “go green” simply because it’s the “right thing to do,” but if there is profit to be had, or money to be saved, then we’ll have something.Sustainable entrepreneur…  nearly 90 percent of Americans think that solar electricity should be an option for all new home construction, up significantly from one year ago (79 percent).Making energy efficiency payCreate an eco-friendly playroom100 ways to save the environmentHow big is your ecological footprint?Green modern prefab meets GoogleThe many shades of the eco-consumerI took a brief tour of this exceptional new development on Friday …  I will write more about Bundoran Farm soon.

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