Browsing Category Green

Location, location, location

It’s not just the type of house that you build that makes it green – it’s also where the development’s located.Contrary to popular belief, the pace and proximity of urban living can actually contribute to more healthful lifestyles, while lower-density communities tend to have a higher incidence of cardiovascular and lung diseases, including asthma in children, as well as cancer, diabetes, obesity, traffic injuries and deaths; these are exacerbated by an increase in air pollution, gridlock and traffic accidents, and by a lack of physical activity.  The study recommended that people seek out cities and towns with reliable public transportation systems, bicycle lanes and pedestrian paths, ones that have schools, businesses and stores within walking distance.But back to that ubiquitous car: Within reason, do whatever is possible to minimize long commutes and half-hour treks to the nearest grocery store….  Community is born from social routine — running into neighbors at the mailbox or while walking down the street.  Design for these serendipitous encounters.There are but a few developments in the Charlottesville area that begin to meet the above criteria, but I expect we’ll see more.

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Environmentalists with a sense of humor

As the number of green homes in the Charlottesville area continues to creep upward, the folks at Treehugger remind us that one can never set our sights too high.”LEED has unveiled a new level of certification, Protactinium.In order to qualify for the standard, building designers must commit to a lifetime of celibacy and staff the building exclusively with doe-eyed orphans from third world countries.  The building must be a net CO2 sink, producing more oxygen than it consumes.  Any bamboo used in construction must be certified panda-free.  In the event that straw bale construction is used, the straw must be free-range, sustainably harvested straw.Heh.

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Banning plastic bags in Virginia?

Not real estate related, I know, but still interesting.  This bill was introduced yesterday.  I’ll wager that if it gets passed, the City of Charlottesville will try to enact such an ordinance.§ 15.2-977.  Plastic carryout bags.Any locality may, by ordinance, provide that a retail merchant located within its jurisdiction shall not provide to any of its customers at the point of sale any plastic carryout bag in which a product or products purchased by any such customer from such store is placed unless such plastic carryout bag is a durable plastic bag, with handles, that is at least 2.25 mils thick and is specifically designed and manufactured for multiple reuse.We’re not alone.

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Greening incentives for new construction and renovations in Charlottesville

Our Sustainability Committee is recommending to City Council that Charlottesville offer a one-time 50% property tax cut for buildings that meet this goal.One thought is that this might encourage builders to “go green” knowing that they can tell potential buyers that their first-year property tax bill will be cut in half.  Two questions: (1) would this really be much of an inducement to builders or buyers and (2) more importantly, would this just be giving property tax relief to builders or property owners who were likely going to make these kinds of improvements anyway (and have the financial wherewithal to do so)?”Here’s the relevant Code:Energy-efficient buildings, not including the real estate or land on which they are located, are hereby declared to be a separate class of property and shall constitute a classification for local taxation separate from other classifications of real property….  The rate of tax imposed by any county, city, or town on such buildings shall not exceed that applicable to the general class of real property.For purposes of this section, an energy-efficient building is any building that exceeds the energy efficiency standards prescribed in the Virginia Uniform Statewide Building Code by 30 percent….  Market to the mortgage brokers to get them to find and educate themselves and consumers about Energy Efficient Mortgages.- Consider extending the tax break for a three-year period.- Fast-track green developments/improvements- Provide incentives to builders to innovate more rapidly.

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Best line of the day

– from today’s C-Ville….Unfortunately there’s more to the story.What a shame that this is one of the reasons that the Montessori School’s design was denied:”…How energy efficient a building is isn’t in our (the ARB) criteria.  It’s unfortunate, but we’ve been charged by the supervisors to deal with the aesthetics of the entrance corridor.”Why not make the entrance reflect Charlottesville’s greener values?  Note to those not familiar with the area – Pantops is an entrance corridor to the Charlottesville area, highlighting the boundaries between the City of Charlottesville and the surrounding County of Albemarle….  For example, this is from one of the County’s public hearings on their Green Building and Sustainability initiatives:As the Comprehensive Plan is a guide, staff believes this language will work to further establish the County’s commitment to green building and identify priorities in the context of long-range planning and community development.Why not LEED the way and show visitors that our area embraces and support green buildings and green lifestyles?

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