Browsing Category Growth

TJ: Founding Father of Sprawl?

As a writer, philosopher and leader, Jefferson was able to hard-wire an anti-urban bias into the culture of the United States.  Consider the U.S. Constitution.  What power does it give to cities and towns?  None, nada, zip.  In fact, the Constitution doesn’t even mention cities and towns.  It does give a lot of power to states.  And states get more power — through representatives — by increasing their population.I had no idea.  Hat tip to Inman.

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Portland as “the” example?

Portland is often used as “the” example for how to manage growth effectively and efficiently….  Land use regulations affect housing affordability, sprawl, congestion, etc. Pretty much everything.  How does Portland fit in?Did the Portland experiment work?  After more than twenty-five years in operation, the results of the Oregon experiment are controversial and puzzling.  Growth control in Portland, like the text of the Bible, seems to provide almost anyone studying it evidence to bolster a pre-existing viewpoint.Hmmm.  How do we apply what they have learned in Portland to how we want the Central Virginia area to grow?…  Where does the vaunted Neighborhood Model fit into the grand scheme?This Google search yielded some interesting results ……  What seems to be neglected is an understanding of how all localities interact and connect.

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Local housing market review

The DP has two interesting articlesDavid Hendrick provides a good analysis of the local market and its prospects for the upcoming year.  Charlottesville is unique, for a variety of reasons.  One of which is – “Charlottesville is a destination area,” said Casey Dawkins, director of the Virginia Center for Housing Research.  “It seems to be the case that there is still potential for growth.”…”Virginia is one of a few states where you see dramatic regional difference,” Dawkins said.  “Charlottesville will probably continue to grow, as will Richmond.  For the rest of the state I would anticipate smaller increases.”On the flip side, if people cannot afford to live in Louisa, traditionally one of the more affordable counties, where can they afford?

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Morning reading 02-16-06

I went to the General Assembly yesterday for the Realtors’ Day on the Hill.  Thus, I have a great deal of catching up to do, as well as write my thoughts about the experience.The House Transportation PackageDriven to DespairSuing a real estate agent for misrepresentation.  Bottom line: do your due diligenceMore mortgage data than you can shake a stick atPlaces29 – public input?

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Albemarle Place discussion

Cox: “Interim transportation improvements …  the improvements that we will be making will help calm the situation for about a 5 year period …  ” those improvements are temporary …  adding quite a bit more asphalt to 29 and Hydraulic …  Jane: “It sounds like the City and County are saying let’s let Albemarle Place be in control of Hydraulic so we don’t have to think about it.”What happens when your development company makes some short-term improvements, what happens when they introduce a grade-separated interchange?

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