Browsing Category Growth

Exactly what our region needs – more high end homes.

From today’s DP – Greene County supervisors on Tuesday opened the door for a new high-end neighborhood in Ruckersville….  The 40 new one- and two-story houses likely will cost between $430,000 and $450,000 – a price range that would cover most county service costs, developer Barry Dofflemyer said.  In addition, the company will give the county $2,000 in proffers for each house built….  As for the proffers, Dofflemyer doubled the amount per home from $1,000 to $2,000.This was interesting and pertinent regarding the impending Albemarle County BoS elections.Greene likely will be the home for most of Dofflemyer’s future projects, he said, because Albemarle County has become a difficult place for a small developer to work.Where do you think these new homeowners will work?

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Candidate interviews at Charlottesville Tomorrow

In their words – This will be as close to a fireside chat as you can get with the candidates before election day!  If you get to vote in a competitive race, these interviews may have just the information you need to help you make an informed vote.If you are planning to vote in the November 8 election (and you should be), find the time to listen to these interviews and inform yourself….  Listen to the responses regarding Old Trail and whether the “affordable housing” aspects of this development are valid….  I fail to see defined how does the Albemarle County BoS (or any government for that matter) plans to ensure that 15% of the homes at Old Trail will be “affordable.”

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Albemarle BoS Debate Podcast

These podcasts, sponsored by the Charlottesville Area Association of Realtors, have proven to be an outstanding method of communication to the public.  Not everyone can attend these forums, but do have the ability to listen to them at their own leisure.  Now, if only the County and City would contract with Wordcast Productions and podcast more of the Planning Commission meetings, BoS meetings, et.  al.Transcript of the Rio District candidate forum, provided by Charlottesville Tomorrow.

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Albemarle BoS roundup

Cville Tomorrow has an informative post showing the County’s apparent disconnect (pun intended) regarding one of the more contentious aspect of the County’s planning – interconnecting roads – whereby new and existing developments may have their cul-de-sacs opened up to through traffic to alleviate traffic on the major arteries….  Of the candidates in the Rio District, David Slutzky seems to be the only one who articulates the difference between a theoretical solution and reality.Gary Grant says – “I really don’t have sympathy for the first parcels ……  The HooK had David Slutzky on the Hot Seat last week.Gary Grant had his HooK time as well.One of the reasons that CAAR endorsed Christian Schoenwald is his attention to affordable housing….  When you think of affordable housing, do you think of a small condo?This is a critical election, educate yourselves and make the appropriate, educated decision for the County’s future.

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ASAP Carpetbaggers?

This post over at Commonwealth Watch makes me want to scream (on my native-of-Charlottesville wife’s behalf) “NIMBYs UNITE!””ASAP” (Advocates for a Sustainable Albemarle Population.)  While I was ammusing myself with their goals, principles, etc. I ran across their “Board of Directors.”  These are folks who want to stop growth, and yet I find it interesting where many of them came from.  Could these liberals be talking out of both sides of their mouths?

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Belvedere and Wickham Pond

The County has finally approved the latest Neighborhood Model planned development – Belvedere, about which I have previously written.  The County’s constant delaying tactics have, due to market forces in my opinion, most likely driven up the prices of these properties, once they get built.  WINA and the DP report.What will the impact be of adding up to 775 units to East Rio Road?…  In a possible moment of clarity, Supervisor Ken Boyd asked, ““Just how far ahead of infrastructure do we want to get with these developments?””

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Redistricting in Albemarle County

WINA and the DP have their roundups, but I think the best commentary is that provided by Brian Wheeler, the only member of the Board who blogs about his governmental experience.  I did a search on Google that was for the following words:lessons in humility, school redistrictingWould you believe of the over 9,200 hits the number one item was a story about redistricting in Albemarle County schools in 1993.  It was written by a mediator who used the Sutherland middle school redistricting as a case study in conflict resolution.What got me searching for insights on humility was a bible verse:Matthew 23:12 – Whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and whoever humbles himself will be exalted.
I want to talk about humility, not humility we might possess before a God, but rather humility before an immense community challenge like redistricting.Brian seems to feel that the best interests of the entire community were not represented.  Agree with him or not, that he has the conviction and intestinal fortitude to stand for what he believes is the right path for the County is commendable.

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