Browsing Category Market statistics

Brief Look at Condo Sales in Charlottesville – 2nd Quarter 2013

Some quick numbers based on the 2nd Quarter market data for the Charlottesville MSA:

In the Charlottesville MSA: 35% fewer condos closed when comparing 2nd Quarter of 2013 to 2nd Quarter 2012 – 51 this 2nd Quarter versus 78 the previous 2nd Quarter. Why?

The answer is due in large part to the fact that the Walker Square and Riverbend condos, two of the largest condo conversions in the area, have sold out after long histories of conversion, rapid price appreciation, dramatic depreciation, ownership shifts and general market turmoil.


Last 2nd Quarter, 22 units sold in Walker Square. This year, that number is 5,

Last 2nd Quarter, 8 units sold in Riverbend. This year, that number is 0.

One condo myth dispelled – condo financing is available in the Charlottesville area; you just need to know where to look.

Click through for the data.

Next up: attached homes in the Charlottesville MSA.

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What’s the Most Popular Home Price Point in Charlottesville and Albemarle?

At a lunch with yesterday, I was asked, “what’s the most popular price point in Albemarle?” My professional instinct said “between $350k and $450k” but as always, I wanted to back that up with actual data.

Looking solely at single family homes in Albemarle County, about 40% of the active inventory is between $300k and $650k.

Albemarle Single Family Active Homes for Sale

And the single family homes in Albemarle that have sold since the first of 2013, a greater percentage of the inventory has sold in the $300k – $650k price point than is active.

Albemarle Single Family Sold since 1 January 2013

(if you’re curious to search the Charlottesville MLS for single family homes for sale in Albemarle)

Great. That’s what’s for Sale and Sold in Albemarle County; let’s look at the home price distribution in the City of Charlottesville – nearly 60% of the active inventory is priced between $220k and $500k.

City of Charlottesville Single Family Active

Looking at the single family homes that have sold since the first of 2013 in the City of Charlottesville, I was a bit surprised to see the relatively lower price point distribution, but not that about 60% of the inventory had sold in that price point.

City of Charlottesville Single Family Sold

Look for yourself …

(if you’re curious to search the MLS for single family homes for sale in Charlottesville)

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Brief Market Snapshot for Charlottesville Area – May 2013

Homes are selling fairly well in the Charlottesville area. For this post, I was looking less at house prices, where things are selling, etc. and more for a snapshot of the market’s speed.

Per the Charlottesville MLS (and acknowledging that the numbers will shift as end-of-the month-closings are entered into the system:

Some things are looking pretty good … Initially I was working with data from the Charlottesville MSA, but I had to pull the data apart and limit my query to Charlottesville and Albemarle, single family and attached homes. I wasn’t looking for hard numbers (yet) but more a sense of how fast things are selling, and hopefully what the list-to-sale ratio was in April.

In Charlottesville and Albemarle in April, for only single family and attached homes (not marked as “new construction”: (yeah, I know this would look super-cool as a snazzy info graphic, but we make decisions based on data and insight rather than pretty pictures, right? 🙂 )

112 122 homes sold in April in Charlottesville and Albemarle

8 had continuous days on market of 3 or less — average DOM was 2; homes sold for 99.3% of the asking price – Price per square foot: $151

32 had continuous days on market of 15 or less — average DOM was 7; homes sold for 98% of the asking price – Price per square foot: $145

43 had continuous days on market of 30 or less — average DOM was 10; homes sold for 97.8% of the asking price – Price per square foot: $143

On the other side of the days on market conversation:

43 had continuous days on market of 90 – 120 days — average DOM was 189; homes sold for 94.6% of the asking price – Price per square foot: $148

10 had continuous days on market of 120 – 180 days — average DOM was 140; homes sold for 95.5% of the asking price – Price per square foot: $143

25 had continuous days on market of > 180 days — average DOM was 240; homes sold for 93.9% of the asking price – Price per square foot: $154

Ok … I couldn’t stop … I was curious about how many non-new construction homes sold this April versus last.
From 4/1/12 – 5/1/12 in Charlottesville and Albemarle:
– 155 homes sold last year versus 122 this year – a 21% drop. (holy cow)
– Breaking out new construction – 24 sold last year versus 20 this year.
There’s always more data to look at …

Short story: YOUR MARKET will vary. But – price your home just right you’re going to be better positioned to sell your house faster for closer to the asking price. Here’s the thing – there’s an outside chance you might sell your home for a little bit more if you wait for that one buyer.

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Home Sales in Charlottesville Down, Contracts Up, Market Turning?

YOUR market will vary.

Even though this is what we believe to be an extremely accurate market report, it’s still a broad-brush report.

Mill Creek will have different inventory levels and absorption rates than will Old Trail, or the Gleason condos. As will different price points. i.e. – low absorption rate at $1 million + , high absorption rate in the $300k – $400k price point.

Dig in, get educated, ask questions, either in the comments below or email or call me anytime.

This is an example of how saying “sales are up” or “sales are down” doesn’t tell the whole picture.

For all residential sales year to date in the Charlottesville MSA:

Charlottesville Area Association of REALTORS® © 2013 LIST-IT-1.jpg

Very broad takeaways –

– Inventory levels across the MSA are up, sales are down.

– Quality inventory is anecdotally way down

– In some market segments, multiple offers are common place.

– New construction is going to be a huge market segment – for better or worse.

– Being prepared to act fast – whether as a buyer or seller – is crucial.

The full report is embedded below, or download it here.

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Seeking Normalcy in the Charlottesville – Albemarle Real Estate Market

Numbers matter. Today is the new normal when evaluating the Charlottesville real estate market. Last year’s market matters (as do the previous years) but what truly matters to buyers and sellers is what today’s market is.

Some context – the number of homes (single family, attached, condo) sold – in the first quarter – in Charlottesville and Albemarle since 1999:

# of sold homes in Charlottesville Albemarle

For this story, I’m not looking at Fluvanna, Greene, Nelson, Louisa as their growth seems to have started a bit after Charlottesville’s and Albemarle’s did, respectively. Right now, I’m seeking consistent volume in the real estate market.

Single family homes are the traditional marker of the market, for the sake of consistency. Attached homes have exploded in popularity (we’ll be looking at new construction numbers next week) in the past 5-7 years.

For anyone looking to buy a home in the Charlottesville-Albemarle markets right now, five key points to be aware of are:

Quality inventory is in high demand, low supply. Of the 550 homes (all types) in the MSA that went under contract in 1st Quarter 2013, 276 had days on market of less than 30, 214 had days on market of less than 14, 129 had days on market of less than 3! (57 had days on market of at least 300)

Overall inventory is up (surprised, right? Me too)

– Quality, well-priced homes are selling – fast. Often with multiple offers (I’ve written several escalation clauses in the past few weeks, if you can believe it)

– Being prepared – both as a buyer and seller – is crucial. Know the market; hire a quality real estate agent, prepare your house effectively.

– Be patient. If you’re a buyer looking in particular segments, you might have to lose at least one house in the process. I know it sucks. But there will be another house.

Single Family Homes - Albemarle County - 1st Quarter

Single Family Homes - City of Charlottesville - 1st Quarter

If you’re interested in the actual numbers, click through to see the rest of the story.

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Some Segments of the Charlottesville – Albemarle Market Have Turned

At least, after showing dozens of houses over the past few days and seeing many desired homes go under contract before my clients could get to them, this is my conclusion: Some segments of the Charlottesville – Albemarle real estate market have turned.

Not all. Maybe not most, but several, possibly even many micro-segments of the Charlottesville real estate market are seeing remarkably low, unhealthily low levels of inventory.

For example:*

In the Baker-Buter and Hollymead elementary school districts:

There are currently 36 single family homes under contract.

– 26 of those have continuous days on market of less than 30.

– 19 have continuous days on market of less than 7!

In Crozet and Brownsville elementary school districts:

There are currently 63 single family homes under contract.

– 44 of those have continuous days on market of less than 30.

– 36 have continuous days on market of less than 7!

In the City of Charlottesville:

– There are currently 69 homes listed as being under contract.

– 32 have continuous days on market of less than 30.

– 17 have continuous days on market of less than 7!

For Charlottesville + Albemarle:
– There are currently 323 homes under contract.- 121 have continuous days on market under 7. Holy. Cow.– But. 68 of those 323 homes have days on market of at least 180. YOUR market will vary.

What does this mean?

For buyers – get ready. Be prepared (to be frustrated as well as ready to move fast). Be pre approved. Identify your target micro market, and be ready to act quickly. Bidding wars are happening. Houses are going under contract in days rather than weeks. Scheduling showings on Monday for a Saturday showing is no longer an option.

For sellers – now could be the best time in 7 years for you to sell. But … you might not have a place to move into.

* Excluding new construction. If you want new construction in Charlottesville or Albemarle, it’s everywhere; you can get it.

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2012 is in the Past – Looking Forward at the 2013 Charlottesville Market

YearEnd_2012_NestReport_CharlottesvilleMSA.pdf (page 3 of 9).jpg

1 – Inventory is low – (good for sellers, not so good for buyers)

2 – Interest rates remain low

3 – Prices (in many market segments) have stopped dropping, and are largely increasing.

4 – Sales volume is up across the board

5 – As always, do your own, supporting due diligence; your market will vary.

Click through to read the full Nest Report.

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