Browsing Category Marketing

Who is’s customer?

Realtors or the public (those who are thinking about buying or selling)?  I pay more to have my listings featured on as a marketing service for my clients and potential clients.  Now wants to sell leads generated by my listings back to me or someone else who is more willing to pay the big bucks?  More incentive not to renew next year.Am I off base?  Russ at RCG has a report from the NAR convention.

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Weekend links

“An Officer does not parade about with a pink umbrella.”Whenever the government operates a facility in a way that negativelly (sic) affects the property interests of nearby owners, the question arises whether it has effected a taking.And sometimes you need a bit of positivity.  I have just noticed that BizzyBlog has a habit of posting positive stories – refreshing.Contributing to the contracting market?  Or creating opportunity for others?Some adjustable-rate mortgage borrowers, though, and especially those with below-median income, appear to underestimate or not know how much their interest rates could change.Direct to consumer marketing works.Don’t forget to listen to WNRN this Sunday morning.

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Blogging is personal – and effective

Mark Cuban has an excellent post describing some of the major differences between traditional media and blogging.  Well worth a read -(Traditional media) get hired for a specific job and they have to do that job.  They get hired by a corporation that is most likely public, which means their senior management , the people they ultimately report to, have to put getting the stock price up above all else.  That is really what blogging vs traditional media in 2006 has come down to….  Blogging is personal, traditional media is corporate.Is print media dead?Where newspapers kick the Internets behindPrint will always have a place – for investigative journalism, for the 5,000 word analysis that would be extraordinarily difficult to read on a blog, the sheer volume of information provided and for the satisfying effect that comes from sitting down and reading the paper from the first page to the last.  Importantly, does real estate advertising have a future on the pages of newspapers, weeklies, monthly magazines?  Why do real estate marketers (Realtors) spend so much money on a format that is inefficient, difficult to track and expensive?  The direct connection to consumers the “trust” factor is mightily difficult to convey in a 2 x 3 (or whatever size one chooses) static house advertisement.

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