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City of Charlottesville Reviewing Zoning Matrix

Zoning determines what you can do with your property – from building a garage to what you can do with an accessory apartment (R1-S) to whether you can have chickens in your backyard . … Zoning is commonly controlled by local governments such as counties or municipalities , though the nature of the zoning regime may be determined or limited by state or national planning authorities or through enabling legislation [4] . … Zoning may include regulation of the kinds of activities which will be acceptable on particular lots (such as open space, residential, agricultural , commercial or industrial ), the densities at which those activities can be performed (from low-density housing such as single family homes to high-density such as high-rise apartment buildings ), the height of buildings, the amount of space structures may occupy, the location of a building on the lot ( setbacks ), the proportions of the types of space on a lot, such as how much landscaped space, impervious surface , traffic lanes, and parking must be provided. … Peter Hedlund, representing the Fry’s Spring Neighborhood Association, said it was difficult to review the documents on the city’s Web site and that the notice of the meeting was late.

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Housing Costs & and Affordability – Where Does Charlottesville Rank?

The newer website also allows users to break all of the data down into owners costs and renters costs, different income classes, greenhouse gas emissions, and a variety of other factors.

…EIA forecasts that the annual average regular grade retail gasoline price will increase from $2.35 per gallon in 2009 to $2.84 in 2010 and to $2.96 in 2011 because of the projected rising crude oil prices. … Projected annual average retail diesel fuel prices are $2.96 and $3.14 per gallon, respectively, in 2010 and 2011.

Related reading from over the years : 2006 – Gas prices and real estate 2008 – Proof that Gas Prices are Affecting Homebuyers in Charlottesville 2008 – If you don’t think gas prices are affecting buyers

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Maybe the City Should Just say No to the Meadowcreek Parkway

Meadowcreek Parkway Staging Area in Albemarle County, along Rio Road Rather than drag this out any further , maybe the City of Charlottesville should just end the discussion and say they’re not going to support/build/move forward with their part of the Parkway. Just stand up for what you believe in and say no. (and pay VDOT back) It’s only been 43 years since they started talking about it . … Related reading: – The most comprehensive source for Meadowcreek Parkway information – Charlottesville Tomorrow – What if the Meadowcreek Parkway didn’t exist? (travel patterns and settlement patterns have changed in the past 40 years) – Heck, I’ve been writing about it since 2005 . (ignore the Daily Progress dead link) – Meadowcreek Parkway study by the Free Enterprise Forum * Photo courtesy of

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Albemarle County Budget – 2010 – Reductions all Around?

If you’re pressed for time or attention span, start with the Budget Summary (pdf) – that’s where I found this unfortunate nugget:

…One-time funding for this program in FY 10/11 could be available and considered for reappropriation if this program does not meet its anticipated demand in FY 09/10

Find the fat, suggest changes (the first public hearing in 3 March at 6pm at the Lane Auditorium at the Albemarle County Office Building ). This is a hard year for localities’ budgets – Charlottesville , Fluvanna , Greene , statewide (and nationwide ), and Albemarle County is no different. – There is a great discussion at cvillenews , with Jeff Uphoff getting his math on in the comments . – There’s a petition to “fully fund” Albemarle County Schools . – The Daily Progress details the discussions on how to cut teachers .

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City Neighborhood Liaison – Needed?

The City of Charlottesville is contemplating adding a “neighborhood advocate” to liaise with City neighborhood associations . … I vote for her: “It’s a bad use of city funds and there are too many other programs and efforts that I think the city should be involved in,” said Adena Imlay, president of the Meadowbrook Hills/Rugby Neighborhood Association. Imlay said creating another layer of bureaucracy in local government to work with neighborhoods is not the answer. … I’m curious – why can’t people who want to be involved call the city and advocate for themselves ?

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School Values and Housing Prices – Specifically in Albemarle County

In an effort to get my head around the numbers, I have prepared the attached spreadsheet which evaluates (to the best of my ability with the data available) , the impact of the different budget scenarios and what different property tax rate increases necessary to close the funding gap.

…At this point in the process, I don’t like trying to address a budget challenge by manipulating the tax rate, but I think the public deserves some factual information about the different scenarios and how that might impact their personal pocketbooks.

ɉۢ In the best case state funding scenario , a property tax rate of 81.9 cents would balance the budget and increase ANNUAL tax payments by $146.19 for the median priced home when compared to 2009.

…1 However, the strength of the consensus is puzzling, given the formidable empirical challenges facing any homeowner or empirical researcher seeking to answer the question carefully.2 First, good schools usually come bundled with other neighborhood qualities– such as proximity to employment, shopping and recreational conveniences and neighborhood peers.

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Have you Read the Revenue Sharing Agreement?

The revenue sharing agreement between Albemarle and Charlottesville is a pointed point of consternation and disagreement and highlights the political (dysfunctional) relationship between the two Governments. … To home buyers, sellers, residents (and Residents ) – so many services are separate, but so many are and are perceived to be shared. … * Three of my favorite starting points are: – Jennifer’s Revenue Sharing Agreement – CVillePedia – Revenue Sharing Agreement debated again But have you actually read the agreement ? Inlookers, Charlottesville is surrounded by Albemarle , and to most people who don’t live in CharlAlbemarle, they are one and the same.

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