Browsing Category Politics

Charlottesville and Albemarle Governments Clash. Again.

For anyone interested in a prime example of the City of Charlottesville’s and County of Albemarle’s occasionally dysfunctional relationship, Rachana Dixit and Brandon Shulleeta have great story in today’s Daily Progress . … The clash over money between Charlottesville and Albemarle County is turning into a political civil war, with warnings that each step from here will undermine collaborations that would cut expenses and instead possibly cost taxpayers big bucks down the road.

…Many county officials say it’s unfair that a state formula that determines education funding for localities — based largely on localities’ wealth — fails to account for the revenue-sharing agreement. Bell’s amendment proposal would count the money Albemarle pays Charlottesville toward the city’s wealth instead of the county’s wealth — which would increase state education funding for Albemarle in fiscal 2012 by $2.6 million and decrease Charlottesville’s state education funding by that same amount. …

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The Burden of Proof – Real Estate Assessment Appeals

HB570 is an outstanding bill in the Virginia General Assembly that takes on particular relevance in 2010, with property assessments likely being challenged by some in Charlottesville, Albemarle and surrounding Counties. … It “Changes the burden of proof from the taxpayer to the assessor when a taxpayer appeals the assessment of real property to a board of equalization or to a circuit court.” … The burden of proof shall be upon the assessor when a taxpayer seeking seeks relief to show that because the property in question is valued at more than its fair market value, that the assessment is not uniform in its application, or that the assessment is otherwise not equalized. In order to receive relief, the taxpayer must produce substantial evidence that the valuation determined by the assessor is erroneous and was not arrived at in accordance with generally accepted appraisal practice.

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Albemarle County Assessment Figures Released

Virginia, unlike some other states, by Statute requires localities to assess property at 100% of fair market value, based on an objective analysis of the property’s fair market value, independent of any influence on the part of the County or the County Board of Supervisors. … The average annual reassessment changes for the magisterial districts are as follows: Rio -2.25% Jack Jouett -4.30% Rivanna -2.12% Samuel Miller -3.65 % Scottsville -4.13 % White Hall -3.19 % Town of Scottsville -1.89 % The new assessments will be reflected in the real estate bills which will be mailed in late April, 2010. County officials recommend that anyone who would like more information or who wishes to appeal their assessment to contact the Office of the Assessor in the Finance Department at (434) 296-5856. … If a property owner does not receive satisfaction with this step, further appeal may be directed to the Board of Equalization, which is comprised of Albemarle County citizens who have completed training by the Virginia Department of Taxation and who meet on a regular basis.

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Albemarle County’s School Budget Request

No salary increases of any kind for any employees; the projected 8 percent increase in health care costs and increased Virginia Retirement System expenses are covered by the request so employees will not receive a direct reduction in compensation for 2010-11; Increases in class size by one student in grades 4 through 12, a net loss of ~17 full-time equivalent teaching positions, many of which will be absorbed by attrition; Ten percent cuts in eligible operational budgets across the board for all schools and departments; Places hold on technology replacement and improvements; Reduces Learning Resources (textbooks, online resources, consumable materials) by $500,000; Reduces the transportation department by nearly $400,000, as efficiencies in routing, compensation, and program delivery are implemented. … Introduces for the first time a student activities fee for athletic programs and reduces the programs we offer: A student activity fee of $75 per student, per sport, with a cap of $425 per family will be enacted. … Cuts instructional support funds for intervention and enrichment, CATEC, elementary and middle school summer school; Makes, for the third consecutive year, additional position cuts in at the central office, and in support services, including leadership reductions. … The School Board will hold a series of budget work sessions in January, a Public Hearing on February 2, and another Telephone Town Hall on February 3 to hear feedback and concerns from the community.

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Could Crozet Library Close?

From The HooK : Not only is Crozet not getting the mammoth new library it was expecting , a possible ten percent budget cut might mean closure of library it already enjoys, and Scottsville could lose its library with just a five percent cut.

…Last January, the State Library Board adopted a new standard of “.6 SF with .8 desired” for public libraries serving populations up to 25,000. … Based on those standards, if Crozet’s service area population (that is, the population within 6 miles of the library) reaches 25,000, the public library should be in the square foot range of 15,000 SF – 20,000 SF. A rule of thumb in public library development is that when a building’s circulation of library materials (checkouts) reaches 25 per square foot per year, the library should plan for expansion.

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The Virginia General Assembly is Upon Us

Much of, if not most, negotiating seems to be done behind closed doors and in hallways, but occasionally the citizens can impact legislation 🙂 Here’s my process: Look at the newest bills every day or three .

…These legislators really want to control whether we use our phones/communication devices while driving: – Wireless telecommunications devices; prohibits talking on such device unless in hands-free mode.

…Let’s see if our legislators try to put forth dumba*s legislation this year, like they did last year – Real Estate Brokers Can stop Learning after 15 years . – The bill thankfully failed as it was left in committee.

… absentee ballot absentee voting administration advertising aerospace alcohol assault automobile ballot bank board boat bond bpol bristol budget business calendar car charter children college commendation commerce committee concealed congress constitution constitutional amendment contract court crime criminal custody death dgif dillon rule disability disclosure divorce doctor driving drugs duffield early voting economy education elderly election elections electricity employment ems energy environment felony finance fire firearm fishing foia franklin governor gps gun handgn handgun health health care health insurance healthcare highway housing income tax insurance internet isle of wight judge judicial oversight legislature lending license license plate loan locality marriage medicaid medicine mental health military native american noise nottoway parent payday lending permission pharmacist pharmacy physician police prison privacy property property tax property tax relief public safety railroad real estate referendum registrar regulation richmond river safety sbe school school board sex small business sol southampton sports study suffolk sunlight tax tax credit tax cut teacher telephone telework transparency transportation trash unemployment university utility vci vehicle veteran voting vre waste weapon will

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