Browsing Category Politics

TDRs get another look?

Swanson, Information Specialist) The TDR concept is far too complex to be encapsulated in one (or six) blog posts; it’s a tool that could affect growth management and grown in the Charlottesville and Albemarle region. A much-too-simplistic definition of TDRs – selling development rights from rural areas into a “receiving area” which is ostensibly in the “growth area” and effectively downzoning and preserving rural areas. … Pruetz’s and Standridge’s evaluation of the factors that differentiate the successful programs from those that have not been able to meet their stated goals could help local leaders determine whether Charlottesville-Albemarle has the right conditions and aspirations for a successful TDR program. … Albemarle County Supervisor Dennis Rooker (Jack Jouett) has said that in his own research he was not able to find any well-functioning TDR program that did not also include a down-zoning.

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Biscuit Run is Sold to State to Become State Park

Kaine today announced the purchase of approximately 1,200 acres in Albemarle County known as “Biscuit Run” to be held by the state as a site for a future state park. “When developed as a state park, this extraordinary piece of land will benefit the citizens of Albemarle, Charlottesville and the Commonwealth for recreation, natural resource protection and the preservation of open space in a fast growing area,” Governor Kaine said. … “This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for the state to acquire such a valuable property which offers spectacular mountain views, abundant flora and fauna and is in the viewshed of Mr. … Funding for the purchase was provided by a combination of federal grants and existing state bond funds available through the Virginia Public Building Authority and the State Parks and Natural Areas bond, voted on by the public in 2002.

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The Government Has Unlimited Funds

From the Wall Street Journal : The Obama administration’s decision to cover an unlimited amount of losses at the mortgage-finance giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac over the next three years stirred controversy over the holiday. … Unlimited access to bailout funds through 2012 was “necessary for preserving the continued strength and stability of the mortgage market,” the Treasury said. … And at UrbanDigs : By the way, did you notice the quiet move the US Treasury made to prop up the GSEs a few days ago – in essence, ” removing the caps that limited the amount of available capital to the companies to $200 billion each “. … Unlimited access to bailout funds through 2012 was “necessary for preserving the continued strength and stability of the mortgage market,” the Treasury said.

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Changes coming to FHA loans

“We want to ensure that we are able to continue to support the housing market in the short term and provide access to homeownership over the long-term, while minimizing the risk to the American taxpayer,” Housing and Urban Development Secretary Shaun Donovan told a congressional committee in written testimony.

…The FHA charges an upfront insurance premium of 1.75% of the total cost of the mortgage which most borrowers can roll into their loan, and then they pay additional annual premiums of either 0.5% or 0.55%, depending on their down payment. … The FHA says that it will limit the amount of money that sellers can provide for closing costs on home sales to 3% of the home price, from the current level of 6%.

…One close observer of the mortgage channel, who we hope to interview soon in The IRA, says that given the recent deterioration of mortgage credit, it is impossible that BAC has not gotten its pari passu portion of the losses which are hitting the FHA.

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Please Buy my Client’s Car – They Don’t Need it Anymore

Which is awesome, and very green. 🙂 is living and working downtown, so no need for a second car – someone buy it!       That they’re living in the City and are able (and willing – that’s part of it, too!) … Incidentally, the current issue of National Association of Realtors’ On Common Ground (not yet online) is all about walkability, transit, smart ( read: intelligent, not the bastardized/politicized “smart” ) growth featuring Walkscore and a few quotes from yours truly.

…Search for homes in Crozet with high Walkscores . (coincidentally, I house I’m marketing comes up first … and the Walkscore is in reality much higher due to some missing restaurants and coffee shops in Crozet)

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Biscuit Run Development in CharlAlbemarle – DOA?

The news affects everyone in this area – politicians counting on that revenue , homeowners in nearby Mill Creek, Lake Reynovia, Foxcroft, Redfields, Mosby Mountain and other developments as well as any property owner who lived in or visited that part of Charlottesville, transportation plans, One question – how will the Fifth Street/Avon Street development be impacted? The stories today will certainly be augmented by the HooK and C-Ville in the coming days: Huge planned Biscuit Run development in danger – Daily Progress Biscuit Run – an expensive state park – Charlottesville Tomorrow

…This was at the peak of the bubble– the smartest real estate transaction ever completed in this area , and one which allowed other land and home sellers to maintain champagne dreams for years. … March 2006 Biscuit Run Price Tag: $222 Million – cvillenews – March 2007 Hollymead, Biscuit Run Approved – cvillenews- September 2007 Biscuit Run is on hold – January 2009 One of my favorite posts – Struggles with Growth in Charlottesville/Albemarle and Beyond – April 2007 If you really want to educate yourself about Biscuit Run, spend a few hours (or days) in Charlottesville Tomorrow’s archives – podcasts and stories .

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