Locally one of the best examples we have is Hops N’ Chops, a project organized by Brett Jordan, a local Realtor who (hopefully) represents the newer generation of Realtors, to benefit the Locks of Love organization This newer generation of 30-and-under Realtors see the benefit of the business as being potentially profitable as well as an extraordinary opportunity to get involved with and give back to the community. As Realtors, we see the community from all levels, and the ability to participate in and contribute is one that we should not let pass.It is being held at Starr Hill on 13 December, starting at 6pm.Below the fold is an essay from Brett describing his inspiration.Over four years ago I watched a friend donate his hair to Locks of Love and it did two things:1) Reminded me of a student in my second-grade class who had lost her hair because of radiation treatment for leukemia…. We’ve also expanded the event to include the Art Gallery at Starr Hill which will house our silent auction and five local artists who are donating works to the auction.Those that want to get a chop for the cause this year must meet the following qualifications for hair to be useful: hair must be at least 6 inches in length, it must be bundled in a ponytail or braid and it cannot be damaged as a result of chemical processing (dyed hair is acceptable as long as it’s healthy).All ages are welcome and anyone donating hair will be admitted free of charge. Those who don’t quite have enough length or aren’t ready for a new look still are encouraged to come out.All proceeds from sponsorships, admission and raffle ticket sales and auctions will be given to the UVa Children’s Hospital, which is currently trying to raise money for a new outpatient care center.
Browsing Category Public Perception
How to build a local business – Part 1
Build your name recognition and build your brand. In this case, it is the Realtor brand.The Charlottesville Area Association of Realtors just purchased a house that will provide affordable housing for one family in the region. Affordable housing is something that affects us all, and it takes quite an effort to even begin to offer solutions. Dave Norris writes about the Charlottesville City Council’s recent attempt.
Regarding markets
I read an awful lot every day, but typically if a story does not come through my feed reader, I don’t see it. So, thank you for these two interesting stories.First up is this story on the growing movement advocating for equal rights for gays in the workplace…. Referencing my story earlier this week on this subject,Next is this story from Agora Financial showing that the rosy ad campaign by the NAR may just be somewhat biased:) CAAR’s 3rd Quarter Market Report is here (PDF)…. In short, I do not see that as having a significant impact on our local market.
How is this not discrimination?
To refuse to sell or rent after the making of a bona fide offer or to refuse to negotiate for the sale or rental of, or otherwise make unavailable or deny, a dwelling to any person because of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, elderliness, or familial status;2. To discriminate against any person in the terms, conditions, or privileges of sale or rental of a dwelling, or in the provision of services or facilities in the connection therewith to any person because of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, elderliness, or familial status;Federal laws seem to be equally silent on sexual orientation.From Rismedia:The certification training for LGBTRES candidates includes a half-day live lecture course or an online track, which the candidate must pass to receive their certification…. The NGLCC will begin delivery of the training in the fourth quarter of 2006, and, in 2007, will certify LGBTRES trainers in Realogy’s major markets to make the certification available to a wider audience.As to someone’s sexual orientation, skin color, sex, age – I don’t care one way or the other. So long as they are qualified by a reputable lender, are looking within their comfortable price range and are ready, willing and able to purchase a home now or in the (sometimes not so near) future, that’s all I need.
How do you know it’s over?
I love economists.Some say the worst of the housing bust is over…. Things change so fast in the breathless headline-writing world:11/15/2006: Mortgage applications hit highest since January.11/22/2006: Mortgage applications fall in latest week (Press release from the Mortgage Bankers Association)How do we know that the housing “bust/correction/adjustment” (how about “change”) is over? My answer – when we are able to look back from a perspective of nine to eighteen months and say, “see, here are the data, this is the trend of where we were, and here is where we are.” Until then, speculation about every move – a move of any kind – of the market is just that – speculation, even if it’s educated speculation.
NAR’s campaign and the Minnesota Association of Realtors
This new letter from the Minnesota Association of Realtors and the new advertising campaign from the National Association of Realtors have one thing in common – credibility.The MNAR’s first letter asking some Realtors whether they would be better served in other careers generated quality discussion, on both sides…. I disagreed with the campaign.Sandy Mattingly states at the Matrix:NAR is a national organization, so almost anything that it says nationally runs against the all-real-estate-is-local axiom…. However, they are doing more harm than good to our reputations as trusted professionals.Yesterday morning on CNBC, NAR’s president Tom Stevens and Roubini Global Economics’ Nouriel Roubini faced off. One said the market’s great the other said recession was upon us. Guess which one said which?This morning, Toll Brothers (huge national builder not yet in the Charlottesville market) announced lower-than-expected earnings.”We expect the cancellation rate to remain elevated while home prices decline and the time [needed] to sell a home lengthens,” he added.People appreciate and respect candor.
How do you assess your agent’s tech skills?
How does one assess whether a buyers’ agent is tech-savvy?For prospective sellers, the question is easier: do you have a website?… What tools do they offer to prospective buyers?For buyers, there is more to the equation than, “Do you have a Blackberry”?… Simple – a good real estate blogger will be better prepared for the task at hand.A “good real estate blogger” : one who writes original material in a transparent way, one who updates his blog frequently, one who reads other blogs.