Browsing Category RE Blogs

A big thanks regarding my logo

Deciding to do a logo was but step one.  Everything thereafter was a learning experience.  From the first iteration, which was roundly derided, to the next, done locally in Charlottesville, and finally to the assistance graciously provided by the person who designed my theme, this effort was a community effort.Pat mentioned the other day that newer, hyper-local real estate bloggers aren’t “linking out well;” those of us who have been doing this for a little while understand the value in participating in the blogging community.  You get back what you put in.So – Thank you to watermark design in Charlottesville and Brian Gardner for the theme, and everyone who offered input on and offline.

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Blog Tour USA in Charlottesville!

We had some great conversations – enough to support several forthcoming blog posts.Their video camera rarely off, we went to the Downtown Mall, saw the Pavilion, the Paramount the Free Speech Wall and interviewed representatives from two very different new construction companies – Ryan Homes, a traditional production builder of many, many homes and townhomes who have had a presence in the area for nearly two years…. On the other end of the Mall we stopped into the sales center for the Woodlands of Charlottesville, who take a very different, grass-roots plus, approach to marketing…. Both Ryan and Woodlands folks graciously spoke for about thirty minutes each to Joe and Rudy – not a bad response to a couple of guys walking down the mall with a video camera!My only regrets?… Ah well, next time?Perhaps most impressive about their tour is not their fortitude, patience and persistence, but that there are enough real estate bloggers to even support such an effort!

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For all Charlottesville agents, buyers and sellers

When I look at MLS photos I want to see the front of the house, the kitchen, some pasture and a barn if there is one….  Unless it’s an award winning designer bathroom we really only need one shot but not in place of the kitchen.In Albemarle, Charlottesville, Fluvanna, Greene, Louisa and Nelson, there are 2,597 properties currently listed as “active” in the MLS.  Of these:2140 – Have more than one photo391 – Have only one photo67 – Have no photos at allFrom my perspective, it sure seems that there are more properties with only one photos or terrible photos….  For those of you buying or selling in the Charlottesville/Central Virginia area – do you have any advice for those marketing properties that you want to share?

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If you’re interested in real estate blogging

You’d do well to visit Real Estate Weblogging 101, if you’re just starting or continuing the journey.  Greg’s ability to see and implement audacious things is astounding.  I expect that there will be much buzz today about the launch of this site.  Keep up at Technorati.Courtesy of Google Trends: Now would seem to be a good time to start explaining things.

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One of the best real estate resources on the web

Is Todd Carpenter’s real estate blog search engine, whereby one can search 950+ real estate blogs, all of which have been vetted by Todd.  Naturally, this search engine is made possible by Google, who provide the tools for people to use.  If you’re looking for real estate information and don’t want to wade through the billions of pages Google indexes, try Todd’s smaller subset (it’s on the right side of this page, too)….  As a fellow real estate blogger, my thanks to Todd for his hard work; it is an asset to the community, large and small.

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Building credibility takes time

Much like Technorati rankings give greater authority to those blogs with more inbound links from other blogs with authority, being quoted in local media outlets is similar.  Even though internet access reached majority of the American populace, many are not familiar with blogs, much less real estate blogs….  Charlottesville is lucky to have an aggregator of most of the local blogs.A client who is relocating out of the area asked me the other day what advice/tips I had for her as she will be entering the family business of real estate when she moves….  This knowledge will set you apart for your clients and potential clients.- Get started at Greg’s real estate blog taxonomy and Rain City Guide, the two preeminent real estate blogs in the country.

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