Browsing Category Sellers

What’s On Your Book Shelves?

“I could live here! This could be my bookshelf!”

My clients didn’t buy that house. But they seriously considered it more than they would have otherwise, in large part due to the books on the shelves.

Buyers are seeking way to evaluate whether they will be happy/content/satisfied in a new place. Book help that evaluative process immensely. Kindles don’t help this process.

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Trying out a Matterport in Charlottesville

I’m trying something new; while I’m not the first in Charlottesville to try marketing a house via Matterport, I’m one of the first. Sometimes cutting edge is better than bleeding edge.

Thoughts on this Matterport walkthrough welcomed. The house is not quite ready for the market*, but will be soon. I’m not sold on the “dollhouse” view, but the walkthrough of the house definitely shows the layout. I thought the Matterport would be useful for this particular house as the layout is quite diverse. I like how you can see out the windows as well.

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Charlottesville Sellers – Take Pictures Now

This is why I advise my clients to take pictures of their houses in the fall.

A photo posted by Jim Duncan (@jimduncan) on

I’ve said for years that if you’re in the Charlottesville area and are thinking about selling your home in the Spring, you should be having pictures taken of your home Now. If you decide in the dead of winter and want exterior photos taken those pictures will be of a desolate landscape – and that doesn’t look so great to potential buyers.

Also, if you’re thinking about selling, now is the time to start truly learning the market, evaluating comps, and determining whom to hire to represent you.

If you have questions or would like a recommendation for a photographer (or a market analysis), please ask me.

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