Browsing Category Shameless Self Promotion

They Didn’t Move to Charlottesville, but They Sent me This

After much discussion, we agree that although Charlottesville city and Crozet are beautiful and have many attractions, in the end we didn’t have that ‘ah-ha’ moment that made us feel it could be our home.

…The 360 degree view you were able to give us on Charlottesville’s strengths and weaknesses, as well as the way you could really zero in on what mattered to us, was impressive.

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Recap of Yesterday’s Radio on Charlottesville-Right Now!

In no particular order: – A Family Affair and Looney Toons (a great segueway, by the way) – Lawrence Yun and David Lereah and their roles as National Association of Realtors’ economists . … – Consumers’ expectations of Realtors – Lowball offers – RealCentralVA’s four year blog-iversary – Charlottesville regional market update and the culture of fear – Buyers’ and Sellers’ respective psychologies – Macro and micro-economics – Foreclosures, short sales and projections for next year – A return to traditional values – recognizing the intrinsic value of homes, rather than looking at houses solely as investment vehicles.

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Tune In To WINA Today at 4:15

today from four fifteen to five o’clock pm – please feel free to let me know in advance if there are any topics or questions you would like us to discuss or call in – 434-977-1070.

…Since 2006 there have been more than 1.5 million layoffs from home builders – that’s more than 3x the total number of UAW members (and that 1.5 million figure doesn’t include suppliers).

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Telling a Story of a House

Luxury homes require advanced Mad Libs: employ the words “the” and “at,” and for maximum pretentiousness add an “e” to the word at the end of the name, to give it an Olde English feele: a moniker like “The Heights at Meadow Creeke,” for example, would have ignited frantic bidding wars in the early 2000s. … * Yes, I know that I’m treading the line of my long-held belief against blogging about my listings, but this is one of those rare occasions where a post transcends “hey!

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Wrapping Up Tuesday’s Radio Appearance

Is it that “experts” will tell you to hold the stock in hopes of it going up in value and then explain that those with homes worth less than their mortgages shouldn’t feel bad about breaking their mortgages and defaulting ? … … But – start here – Assessments, property taxes and shifting market values in Albemarle County The new bailout/foreclosure prevention bill – start here to educate yourselves – Calculated Risk This is intended to help “thousands” (a drop in the bucket unless it is several hundred thousand), and seems to encourage homeowners to stop making payments until they are 90 days late. and Rain City Guide This is the beginning of massive government intervention to try and slow foreclosures.

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