Browsing Category Shameless Self Promotion

Recapping yesterday’s radio appearance discussing the Charlottesville Real Estate Market

In short we spent about forty five minutes rambling about the state of the Charlottesville area real estate market and touched on the following topics (from memory) – – Have green homes reached a tipping point? … At least one story idea came of the show, and I might try to write a story about it in the next couple of weeks – what percentage of properties are on the market in the respective localities in the Central Virginia region?

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Duplicate content in the RE.NET

One of the key concepts of the real estate blogging space has been the original content and unique voices found at each different site; this originality seems to be waning a bit this year as the medium grows and the same content is published at different sites. … For example, and I’m not alone in my writing responsibilities, I write at a couple of places – – RealCentralVA – a blog focused on the Charlottesville/Central Virginia real estate market and trends affecting same.

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Social Media Explained and Expanded

| View | Upload your own For example – I can be contacted here in a variety of ways; below are a couple of the many. (the closest thing to a resume I have to offer) Jim Duncan's friendfeed

…A few of the topics we plan to discuss are – -owners being upside-down when trying sell their house -being uncomfortable buying in these times, even though it may be the best time around -how much should a seller lower the sales price?

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