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Perhaps the nicest thing ever written about me

It takes up a quarter-page in one of the two prominent weekly newspapers in Charlottesville.2….  It’s genuine.It’s also refreshing that Duncan doesn’t take the typical Realtor’s approach of basically shilling the properties that he lists.  The way Duncan writes about real estate and the articles he links to make it clear that he is not just in the business to make a living; the man seems genuinely interested in real estate as a topic of intelligent discussion, in sharing what he knows and in learning more.  Quite candidly, this review is one of the nicest things I think has ever been written about me, and I hope to live up to the clearly high expectations I have set. I’m humbled and grateful.

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Blogging 101 for Charlottesville

My blog tracks the Charlottesville and Central Virginia real estate market, market statistics, real estate technology, real estate representation (for sellers and buyers), local politics, “and more.”… Google BlogsearchCvilleblogscvillenewsCvilleTomorrow is tracking the Charlottesville/Albemarle elections (interestingly, no local Republican candidates have blogs – why is that?)Charlottesville News Headlines, thanks again to cvillenews.Look at the “blogrolls” of blogs you come to know and trust (typically on the side of the page).Key parts of a blog:- Reverse Chronological Order of posts, updated frequently- Comments (some debate this, but it is a crucial component of blogging) – participation in the blogs is key. – RSS – Real Simple Syndication – a method of information distribution- Linking to other blogs and citing your sources- Transparency and accountabilityGenerally, reading blogs also necessitates reading in a different way; rather than visiting each individual webpage, the news can come to you.

…Finding the best ones takes time, but it’s worthwhile.How to get started with Google Reader.Slightly more in-depth about RSS readers.If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me anytime.Regarding the guy who called in after I left, who said his blog’s goal is to “destroy Republicans running for office” – surely there are a fair amount of blogs whose goals are to publish vitriol, and there are plenty of political blogs on either side (and all sides) of the political world.

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Media appearance tomorrow morning

Listen to WINA (those of you from outside Charlottesville are just out of luck, unless they add it to their “On Demand”).  I will be on from 0910 to 0927 talking about the history of blogging, referencing the Wall Street Journal’s recent article on the supposed 10-year “Blogiversary.”  (temp free link) There are people out there much more qualified than I, but I’ll try to make the best of the opportunity.

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Jim Duncan to Speak at Inman News Real Estate Connect San Francisco 2007

With a little help from a friend and some tweaking to the boilerplate release from Inman, I released this last week – Jim Duncan to Speak at Inman NewsReal Estate Connect San Francisco 2007Charlottesville, VA – July 6, 2007 – Jim Duncan, REALTOR® & blogger of Century 21 Manley Associates, will be a featured panelist at Real Estate Connect San Francisco 2007 this August 2nd, at 2 pm…. “Past speakers have included Seth Godin, Barry Diller, Netscape co-founder Marc Andreessen, Google co-founder Larry Page, and chairman Rick Braddock.”Real Estate Connect SF ’07 also includes four pre-conferences: Internet Marketing Boot Camp, Connect TECH, Broker Internet Session and Bloggers’ Connect…. A REALTOR® who has specialized in marketing, seller representation and buyer representation for the past six years, and has been a real estate blogger for the past two and a half, Jim has been regarded as a leader locally and statewide on real estate and technology issues. Jim’s blog, RealCentralVA, is regarded as one of the best sources of unbiased and accurate information and analysis in the Charlottesville region.About Real Estate Connect Real Estate Connect is the premier real estate, mortgage and technology conference, drawing the industry’s most influential decision makers, opinion leaders and technology experts into an active forum for discussion and debate.

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A logo for

After donating money to Todd’s attempt to be released from “jail,” and receiving a t-shirt as thanks, I figured now was as good a time as any to have a logo for  I contracted with F5 Designs via Elance for a logo.  I filled out their questionnaire and this is the result -When I asked them what it meant, this was the response, one with which I am pretty satisfied:From what we saw in your site, we related the connected arrows with Market connections and communications.  As a central point for meeting and sharing information….What do you think?

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