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I love Diverse Solutions

The product allows agents and brokers using WordPress to get property listings on their own website and own domain to be indexed by the major search engines. dsIDXpress is different than traditional IDX solutions in that it has both the standard consumer search capabilities as well as the ability to insert specific listings or groups of listings into any page or blog post with their Live Listings(sm) shortcodes. … With the National Association of Realtors recently adopting changes allowing for search engines to index property listings on an agent’s or broker’s website, the timing couldn’t be more perfect. … When asked about the new product, Justin LaJoie, CEO of Diverse Solutions, said, “Since WordPress is quickly becoming the platform of choice for real estate websites, it only made sense that we develop a WordPress IDX plugin that provides the functionality that the industry has been asking for.” … Live Listings(sm) allows agents and brokers to create the perfect city, community, or zip-specific pages with listings that are updated in real time for that area. dsIDXpress also include a number of WordPress IDX widgets, including their search and mapping widgets.

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Would you Use an Open Space in Crozet?

I’ve made no secret about how much I like Open Space in Charlottesville . While they are still trying to, in the words of a friend, “ trying to find their soul ” – seeking their own personality as it were, it’s a fantastic concept, and is a space I use as frequently as possible.

… I’m a Realtor , so having a great space to work and meet clients is crucial, but not something I need every day.

…My question is this – if there were an Open Space in Crozet – in Old Trail for example – would you use it?

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Twitter Week in Review – Some Real Estate Conversations, Some Off-Topic

Great caller on @ CSPAN just now “throw them all the hell out and start a *real* third party” response “…and we’ll leave it right there” 🙂 #

… @ jolenta Long day of showing ahead tomorrow; I’ll get it done tonight w/ @docusign’s help and be done. in reply to jolenta #

… #SMCCVille’s Event today – Traditional Media and Social Media – If you can’t make it, ask questions using # SMCCVille #

… RT @tgonser: @ JimDuncan Dying to know the answer to “I love DocuSign but…” The blog image shows a red x.[try this ] #

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Another Day, Another List

I had to double-check the link to make sure that this was for 2009; I was certain it was for 2005.

…Charlottesville is home to the University of Virginia, which strengthens the area’s healthy economy by providing steady jobs and a wealth of amenities and entertainment. … As more and more people learn about this year’s best city, Charlottesville may find staying affordable and sprawl-free is its greatest challenge!

…If you’re considering relocating to the Charlottesville area, check out this page – I’m building it as a one-stop source for beginning your home and neighborhood search.

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