Browsing Category sideblog

Twitter Week in Review

@ mayaREguru @ mattdollinger @ ProfessionalOne @ Swanepoel I’m giving a presentation about MLS & agent sites at 2 # rebcny in reply to mayaREguru #

… If you’re not paying attn to the VA Gen Assembly, you’re missing bills like this – “children” aren’t 18, they’re “23” #

RT @lostremote: The Economist calls 2010 “The year of the paywall.” [good info doesn’t *have* to be free] #

… @ jmckeever Sing-song auction going from one million on up was interesting to watch (I’d say “fun” but it *was* a foreclosure auction) in reply to jmckeever #

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How NOT to use social media – Particularly when it’s my name

If you’re a LinkedIn contact of mine , please know that I had nothing to do with the recent solicitation spam sent out. The offender has apologized to me and others, but this is a prime example of how not to use social media. As I said on Marijean’s blog : It’s one thing to farm email addresses, but an entirely different affair to use the farmed-one’s name as a means to attempt to ooze credibility. * I will be moving this post to the sideblog shortly, but wanted to apologize publicly and disavow my name from this practice.

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Bus, Bike and Walk around Charlottesville

#cgrw1 h2#cgrwh, #cgrw1 p#cgrwp, #cgrw1 form, #cgrw1 input, #cgrw1 img {text-align: left; text-decoration:none; padding: 0; margin: 0; font-style: normal; vertical-align: baseline; background: none; border: 0; outline: 0;}

…#cgrw1 h2#cgrwh a {display: block; width: 163px; height: 67px; background: url( 0 0 no-repeat;text-decoration: none;}

… #cgrw2 h2#cgrwh, #cgrw2 p#cgrwp, #cgrw2 form, #cgrw2 input, #cgrw2 img {text-align: left; text-decoration:none; padding: 0; margin: 0; font-style: normal; vertical-align: baseline; background: none; border: 0; outline: 0;}

…#cgrw2 h2#cgrwh a {display: block; width: 160px; height: 53px; background: url( 0 0 no-repeat;text-decoration: none;}

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Light Blogging Next Week – I’ll be in New York

I’ll be doing a session at the REBarcamp on Tuesday and sitting on a panel on Thursday. Importantly, we’ll be discussing the RPR – the Realtors Property Resource, which is a product which should give Realtors far more information on properties – which will be available only to Realtors – and will offer (hopefully) the most comprehensive information all in one place. … If you’re a consumer interested in real estate data, information and analysis, automated valuation models you’ll probably find the 30 minute demo interesting. “An incredible accumulation of data from multiple sources the in a graphical manner that really can give a listing agent a perfect snapshot of what’s happened to a property.”

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Problem Fixed

Whew. After many days of searching for a solution to the display problem on my search for Charlottesville homes page , I finally deduced the problem – a conflicting plugin. So …. feel free to search for homes again. 🙂 Needless to say, this issue caused me great heartburn, as I know quite a few people research MLS listings here. Thank you for your patience, and thanks to my friends who helped me get to the solution.

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Benefits of Blogging about your neighborhood

” I live in the city, but the time is maybe, possibly near for a move to a more residential location. When I think about moving, I worry about finding the amazing neighbors I have here and I have to admit that reading your blog has me thinking the community feeling I have in my little neighborhood can be found elsewhere. I’ve been following your story from the start and will continue to do so. … ” I’m curious how many other neighborhood blogs there are in the Charlottesville/Albemarle area.

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