Browsing Category sideblog

Albemarle County Board of Supervisors Agenda – 2 December 2009

There’s a whole lot of important stuff on the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors’ agenda next week – the bold parts are most interesting to me. The next Albemarle County Board of Supervisors meeting will be held on Wednesday, December 2, 2009 starting at 9:00 a.m. in the Lane Auditorium, County Office Building, McIntire Road. … Nonconforming Lots – 09-03( ) – Agricultural and Forestal Districts In addition… – Establish Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Cost Recovery Billing Rates – Work Session: Five Year Financial Plan – Hatton Ferry – Acceptance of donation from VDOT and transfer to nonprofit entity The Board will then recess and reconvene at 3:30 p.m. in Room 241 for a Joint Meeting with the School Board. They will discuss the following items: – Capital Improvements Program (CIP) Oversight Committee Recommendations – Proposed Voluntary Early Retirement Incentive Plan (VERIP) Amendments – FY 2010-11 Budget Issues

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Hotels in Charlottesville – Courtesy of Hotelicopter

Now this is an interesting little widget from the folks at hotelicopter . … I’d like to pick the specific ones I recommend and display that widget. … I’m still working on I’ll use this, but I have a few ideas …

var hotelicopter_js_host = ‘’; document.write(unescape(“%3Cscript src='” + hotelicopter_js_host + “init.js’ type=’text/javascript’%3E%3C/script%3E”)); try { var hotelicopter_hotel_list = hotelicopter.getWidget(“6058e910-b6a4-012c-d928-00188be6b7a6 “); var hotelicopter_filters = new Array(); hotelicopter_filters[‘widget[location_id]’] = ‘33033’; hotelicopter_filters[‘widget[hotel_id]’] = ”; hotelicopter_filters[‘widget[star_rating_high]’] = ‘5’; hotelicopter_filters[‘widget[star_rating_low]’] = ‘3’; hotelicopter_filters[‘widget[star_rating_all]’] = ‘false’; hotelicopter_filters[‘widget[price_all]’] = ‘true’; hotelicopter_filters[‘widget[price_high]’] = ‘233.0’; hotelicopter_filters[‘widget[price_low]’] = ‘58.0’; hotelicopter_filters[‘widget[num_hotels]’] = ’10’; hotelicopter_hotel_list._display(hotelicopter_filters); } catch(err) {} To view these hotels from hotelicopter , you must enable JavaScript in your browser.

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Nest Realty Group Pulls in Another Award

And we’re even getting a netbook to prove it . Nest Realty was awarded with an HP Realtor Technology Award last week at the National Association of Realtors conference in San Diego. HP honored 5 brokerages across the country that used technology in and out of the office to gain a competitive advantage. Other winners included brokers from California, Ohio, Idaho, and Minnesota.

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Electronic Signatures for Real Estate Transactions

I’ve been using electronic signatures for a few weeks now, and they have been tremendously helpful – saving gas, time and energy. Instead of faxing, emailing, printing, scanning … my buyer and seller clients have clicked to sign . … Now it appears that Docusign , thanks to an investment by the NAR’s Second City Ventures , is going to ramp up their development and will be spreading their reach through the Realtor world. … I expect Second City Ventures to have a better definition of “investment” than the US Treasury .

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Charlottesville’s OpenSpace gets cVillain Love

From cVillain : Jeff Gunther has a slightly different idea for a slightly different workforce here in Charlottesville. For many local mobile warriors, turning wherever you find yourself into a workspace is the status-quo. However, without access to printers, actual desk space, big screen monitors, and conference rooms, Java Java can’t quite provide all we may require (love the mochas though). Jeff’s idea started with the build out of the new office space located near ACAC in the warehouse district, and extended to provide all that an employee without tethers could require.

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