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Leading to Tomorrow’s Announcement

From a brilliant discussion at the Notorious R.O.B. – (bolding mine) While the study cites C21 as the most well known(n) brand, I will argue that it’s the most well know(n) name in real estate. … But ask any of the respondents of that survey to tell you what makes C21 different from ERA or Remax or anything and they would be hard pressed .

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Undersestimating the Demand For Recycling?

Pat yourself on the back because you ensured that hazardous waste and materials used in electronics (the list is long and varied: cadmium, lead, mercury, flame retardants, PCB, PVC, glues) will go to its proper burial place or find new life. Crutchfield and their recycling provider will drive the e-tons (Can’t wait to get the numbers on this one) to New Jersey to be refurbished, repaired, or dismantled for reuse, and the rest; well, this Betty doesn’t want to think about that one.

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