Browsing Category sideblog

I Heart Woot

Or will we bring on a quick recovery by doing patriotic things like buying stuff we can’t afford and spending more money than we make?

…Save until maybe, like, mid-February or so, when the market will be a-glut with great deals for the taking every day.

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Magnifying the Little Guy’s Voice

Found via Alltop – Advice To Any Attorney Contemplating Filing A Suite Against A Blogger Yes, if there is a clear libel or defamation (hopefully supported by bulletproof evidence), you should probably do what you do the best- be a good attorney and protect your client. … And they tend to stick together by writing about you and your client hundreds of posts scrutinizing your clients business and even founding defense funds to help the blogger in trouble. ( ed. note: bolding mine ) For a great example of what a relatively small group of real estate bloggers feel about their rights being trampled on, see what they think about Todd Kaufman, the Loudoun County Assessor (who was in the news again recently ).

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Every Customer Counts

Matches up pretty well with my experience there right after they opened. about 7 hours ago from twhirl in reply to JimDuncan” (I’ll bet she’ll talk to 10 people) – Marijean commented on Amanda’s post (easily 10 people here) – Nick saw our tweets – “thanks @jimduncan and @emccullough for the info/pointers on the boathouse. had thought about trying it, but might wait a while or so ” (Nick, too ) – Waldo noted the blog post about the Boathouse . … – Ignore it all – it’s only a few blogs and tweets after all (but check out the people who noticed – they’re all connected and are likely either influencers, connectors or mavens ) The first idea is that some people are “hubs” – they are well connected.

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Are You a Complete Moron?

Peter Schiff, president of Euro Pacific Capital, predicts that many homeowners who have little or no equity will stop paying their mortgage and then reduce their income to get the biggest payment cut possible. … Just like they encouraged people to overstate their income to get a bigger loan in the first place, now they will encourage them to understate their income to qualify for a smaller loan.”

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