Browsing Category sideblog

Unrelated to Real Estate – Complacency and Indifference

From the NYTimes (bolding mine)- A Justice Department plan would loosen restrictions on the Federal Bureau of Investigation to allow agents to open a national security or criminal investigation against someone without any clear basis for suspicion , Democratic lawmakers briefed on the details said Wednesday. … You’re saying, “Well, you’re going to love democracy because you don’t have to do it.” and – AVC: When the founding fathers made us a democracy, they didn’t put in the Constitution that we’re supposed to make everyone else a democracy too.

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Best of C-Ville 2008

In this year’s C-Ville , is noted as being a “must-read for anyone who wants to make sense of the chilling local market.” … 🙂 ), I’ll graciously take mention in the same class as Bob; whenever we work on transactions together it’s comforting knowing that I and my clients are going to be working with a quality professional on the other side. Best of C-Ville - Best Real Estate Agent/Realtor

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