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Isn’t Hindsight a Wonderful Thing?

More on the Fed’s plan : Bernanke said that the Fed is prepared to issue new lending rules next week to restrict exotic mortgages and high-cost loans for people with weak credit. The details of the program, first announced in December, have been undergoing revisions but are expected to include requirements that lenders document borrowers’ incomes and verify that they could make the mortgage payments, including the higher payments that come when adjustable-rate loans reset.

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CHO Responds to Questions about their impending demise

Interestingly enough, the local CBS Newsplex carried a story on this report, even though the Coalition has failed to return calls or requests for factual data utilized to comprise their conclusions. … The last economic impact report issued by the VA Dept. of Aviation in 2004 estimated CHO’s direct economic impact as exceeding $20 million and indirect impact of over $50 million.

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