Browsing Category sideblog

Fun with Search results

I always get a kick out of what search terms bring folks to my blog. Here’s a sampling from one day last week – demise of the realtor cia training charlottesille va crooked things real estate agents do (this person spent 28 minutes here) who benefits from dual representation in real estate purchase

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I don’t have one – but I’d have to say Brian Wheeler, Sean Tubbs and the folks at Charlottesville Tomorrow – they keep me informed about Charlottesville political, growth, development and other issues so that I’m better at what I do, and my clients benefit. … I’ve not yet fully grown up, but I still want to be someone who makes a difference in peoples’ lives, be they my family, my friends, a few people around me or the world.

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Who’s going to be first?

I believe that they don’t put all of their properties into the MLS, so there is no accurate method by which to determine their specific market segment is doing. Buyers and employees have to be concerned in light of this news . (read the comments , too) Related reading: Not used to Northern Virginia traffic are you?

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