Browsing Category sideblog

Staging your home

With Barbara Corcoran.  Simple but effective tips in this series this week on the Today Show.  There is opportunity in every market.  Before, it was how to deal with rapidly rising prices; now it is how to market your home effectively.

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Google’s domination continues

The messages may be mixed, but the intent seems to be focused: “Total Global Domination”.What do you do online that’s not touched by Google?(this post not related to the local real estate market, other than at some point Google may have all the data)But hey, if they can bring transparency to the health care racket, more power to them.  I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again – why is there no coordinated effort to shake up the health care industry?  The real estate world is changing and adapting every day.By the way, I love their “free” 411 service; I’ve used it for over a month and it’s great.

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Priced below assessment

It’s amazing how times have changed.  Before the market shift, properties in Charlottesville and Albemarle and surrounding areas would sell for prices wildly over their assessed values.  Now properties are being marketed (with and without Realtors) as being priced “well below the assessed value!”With regard to fair market value – Assessed values are as irrelevant today as they were before the shift.Update 5/23/2007: I was just interviewed by The HooK, so watch for a follow-up post to clarify things, should it be necessary.

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A new theme

A series of comedic errors led me to upgrade to Wordpress 2.2, and every decision has a consequence.  I saw that the sideblog plugin was updated, so I upgraded it, Wordpress and all of my other plugins ……  The upgrade broke my theme, irreparably.  So here I am, after several hours of searching for a new theme, I settle on this one, yet I can’t get the sideblog to work.

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