Browsing Category sideblog

Local media appearance next week

It’s not Fox News, but it is on what may be the most-listened-to local talk radio station.  Tune into WINA Tuesday, 8 May at 4:15 to hear me hopefully not make a fool of myself talking about the Charlottesville real estate market.  To be successful in real estate blogging, blogging is not enough.  One has to triangulate locally to garner traffic, visibility and more importantly, trust.Not that I have anything to do with what we will talk about, but are there any questions or topics anybody would like to hear?

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MLS questions answered

Is there a way to blend/link such summaries into search or as a lead-in to search?Honestly, I think that what I have done with my Neighborhood series has been very good, despite my recent hiatus – I provide good, searchable, Long Tail content and then within the post, I sometimes provide a link to search for homes in that neighborhood….  At the same time, would it be useful to provide the opportunity to “tag” a listing with a blog post or series of blog posts?I would LOVE to be able to include a link to neighborhood content….  With the innovations from Google and others in annotating maps, it might be interesting to see what would happen if agents or customers were able to define their own areas and have those be saved and shared with others….  Unfortunately, I think that too few Realtors have this point of view or access to discussions such as this to even see this perspective.Ultimately, I think that Jalane’s comment speaks volumes -For what it’s worth, your blog has more credibility being separate from MLS.

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There should be a way to report agents

I tried to show a house on Tuesday, but the lockbox wasn’t there.  Neither listing agent has called me back yet.  My clients and I have found another house (there’s quite a bit of inventory out there), but shouldn’t there be a way to report the agents to their “clients”?  The fact that there is only one picture in the MLS should be a violation in and of itself as well.

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