Browsing Category sideblog

Real estate blogging is catching on

Greg has aggregated 190+ real estate blogs, and Active Rain and RealTown becoming the largest real estate blog platforms.  Having written consistently for just over two years, now (1569 posts and counting), the time and dedication one must put forth can seem and be daunting.  Blogging was just named part of Real Estate Trend #4 in Stefan Swanepoel’s excellent Real Estate Trends Report.  Get your very own copy of Realty Blogging (with a gratuitous quote or two from yours truly)here.Having a blog is one thing; doing it well can is another.

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Congestion pricing in Charlottesville?

With all the talk of late about the City of Charlottesville debating closing Old Lynchburg Road, a major artery into and out of the City, how long until the City considers instituting congestion pricing á la London?  Imagine the potential revenue – 10 bucks to enter City limits – it could work.  🙂 We discussed this at length earlier this month.  If the City can build a Transit Center (albeit a LEED-certfied one) in the absence of efficient transit, why not institute an entrance fee?

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Rant against Delta Airlines

I have received successive text messages from Delta saying that the flight will be delayed from 8 to 8:30, then 9, now 9:30.  Delta’s website has no information, and the Delta representative seems almost resentful that people are asking why the flight has been delayed….  I would be inclined to give them the benefit of the doubt, but the last time I flew Delta, I had a terrible experience as well….  (I didn’t pay this time either)Upon arriving into Atlanta, the flight attendant said, “we’re 5 minutes early!

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Shopping for an agent and more

Search for an agent instead of a house….  Sometimes, the first agent you meet might not be the best one for you.Wolf Net seems to have a pretty good mapping solution.Shopping for houses isn’t like shopping at Nordstrom’sAnother post describing why blogging is good for real estate agents.  By far the most important reason is this (and I’ve said this before, many times)Agents that write blogs perform more research to keep up with their local markets than Realtors who don’t blog.  This greater knowledge base becomes a significant competitive advantage over non-blogging Realtors…And if the Realtor demonstrates his incompetence, more the better.I love this post about “Appliance Realtors.”The Daily Reckoning provides good analysis on the national housing market.What will be written about if there is no development in Charlottesville?

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