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Blog loading faster

After literally months of research into system performance techniques and I/O tuning we have rolled out a series of changes to our servers that have immediate and beneficial effects….  This means that for those users that experienced constant performance problems with our server speeds that your problems should be significantly reduced.Of course this isn’t a magic bullet, and we still have servers that have load spikes and other various problems and issues that go hand in hand with providing shared hosting services.  We should have more good news to report in the coming weeks and there is still much to be done to provide better uptime with fewer interruptions to critical services.Also, as many of you may know a few months back we leased a new datacenter that is solely for our use and is only 200 yards from our offices….  Most of our intermittent downtime has been because of this enormous move.Things are improving and long term problems are starting to subside.

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Spelling, feedback and assessments – 10-18-2007

This is why I am obsessed with correct spelling (via Seth Godin): Few things demonstrate one’s dedication to “attention to detail” as spelling.  Spelling is a simple, and often quite public way to show your true colors.  Fluvanna County building permits are down, YoY, but assessments are way up.Blogging for listing feedback (courtesy of real/diaBlog).  Similar to ShackYack, but focused strictly on listing feedback, my greatest question remains – what is the potential liability to the blog provider if damaging (true or untrue) comments are made?What does a $250k house get you?

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If you drink wine in Virginia

Then you should be interested in this bill, that:Restores to certain Virginia retailers the privilege of delivering wine and beer to their customers….  which is not a bad thing.  More here.One of our local wine shop stewards will be at the General Assembly on Thursday to testify for reinstatement of this privilege.

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Charlottesville Neighborhood – Belmont

Contract today’s image of Belmont as a hot bed of urban hipsters living in gentrified Victorians walking and riding bikes to the Downtown Mall with this fascinating paper written in 1980 by James H….  Mr. Buck’s prediction came true:Belmont has, in the past, somewhat of a bad reputation, but critics need to take a new and closer look at this promising neighborhood of the future.Its proximity to the Downtown Mall is one of the driving forces behind its growth.  When selling a house on Hinton Avenue a couple of years ago, I was astonished to find that the tenant had no idea where my office is – on the busiest corridor in the area – because he never left the Belmont/Downtown Mall area….  Condos are the latest trend, with (LEED certified) green condos on the way, and new construction condos generally have not suffered the same drop off that condo conversions have.

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