Browsing Category sideblog

Two things

Flippernation, Episode 3The iPhone.  Apple does it again.  My only consolation is that Cingular’s service in and around Charlottesville is inferior to Alltel’s.How much longer can MLS’ ignore Mac OSX and code their products solely for Internet Explorer?

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Class warfare in Fluvanna

Combined with NIMBY-sim in Fluvanna a few weeks ago. Speaking against a proposed mixed-use development in Fluvanna, a board member of the Lake Monticello Homeowners’ Association stated:“Townhome developments threaten to become the slums of the future,” Johnson said.  (source)Wow.  Arguing against a new development is one thing.  Arguing from this mindset is totally uncalled for.

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2006 Realtor Stats

Of the top 10 Realtors in the Charlottesville-Albemarle area, only one was not associated with either new construction or condo conversions.  Several of the top 20 were “Teams.”228 had at least 10 transactions.407 had at least 5 transactions, or sides.About 350 had zero transactions in 2006.There’s something to be said for hiring a full-time Realtor.End of the year market data coming soon.

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Looking for a house in Charlottesville

This is why I shun print media as often as possible – With print, there is no way to measure who is reading your ad; it’s almost like throwing money into a vacuum and hoping for a result.  An agent in my office said today that she had received three email leads this week on her new listing; nothing from the local print publication.Somebody is looking to learn more about the real estate market in the Charlottesville area.  90% of the sponsored ads were not Realtors – they were lead-aggregation companies whose service is to put potential buyers in touch with “qualified Realtors” (those Realtors who are qualified to pay for those leads)….  An enterprising soul might find a way to aggregate the open house data and display it on their site.

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