Browsing Category sideblog

Toy Lift needs help

The Toy Lift is desperately behind.So far, they have collected only $700, compared with this time last year when they had collected thousands.Call to make donations – 434-973-7448, use credit cards to donate, drop books or toys by the Toy Lift at Fashion Square Mall.I’ll donate $100.  Any other local (or not) bloggers want to donate?

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Status quo rules in Albemarle

The Board of Supervisors fails to see the merit in even investigating creative measures to control growth.  Why think out of the box when some politicians can’t even see beyond the box?  I hope Mr. Slutzky continues to educate the people – the constituents – of the merits and potential shortcomings of what a successful Transfer of Development Right (TDR) program could look like.  More thoughts after I listen to the entire podcast.

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Comcast sucks already?

The HooK has some background on the switch.Update 11-23-2006: The longer this goes on, the more I wonder why some sites are blocked/inaccessible and others are not.  For instance, Rain City Guide is accessible at my office, my neighbor’s via Embarq DSL, but not at my house using Comcast/Adelphia.Anybody have opinions on DSL offered by Embarq?And it’s slow.Update 11-26-2006: Mea culpa….  Perhaps one of the new “Draft N” routers?Update 11-29-2006: I don’t know what the problem is, but on Monday everything was fine….  I know I am not the only one having problems, as people keep coming here via searches like this – adelphia comcast blocking website and charlottesville adelphia comcast internet problems.

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