Browsing Category Technology

Gen X and Gen Y

Gen X and Gen Y already are and will for some time, impact the real estate market in an incredible manner.  Not only are fuel and utility costs much higher in larger homes, but most simply don’t need the space – witness the dearth of formal dining rooms in many new homes.  Condos are extremely attractive to young professionals due to their smaller, typically better quality space close to everything.  Failing to recognize and acting on this emerging trend would be as dangerous as ignoring the baby boomer market.Reach Advisors, a market-research firm in Boston, would argue that the Drurys are not alone in their thinking, and that there is a disconnect between affluent “Generation X” home buyers and the home builders and land developers who are supposed to be catering to them.James Chung, president of Reach Advisors, said he believes there is a “generational shift,” with buyers ages 25 to 39 demanding features that are different from what their parents, the baby boomers, have sought.  “Yet, most home builders are reluctant to change the formula that made them so profitable over the past 10 years,” Mr. Chung said.  (Source: NYTimes)For more insight, I recommend this article from the NYTimes; Gen X and Gen Y have different needs and desires.  If the market as a whole is not set to adapt, somebody will.To one extreme are Tiny Homes.

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Mac Ads

If you have a few moments today, check out Apple’s new ads comparing Windows and Apple’s OSX.  Inviting viruses (virii?)  may not be the smartest thing in the world, but the ads still ring true.

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RSS Appreciation Day

RSS Appreciation Day – who knew?  RSS is a vital component for news readers but also business blogs and real estate information delivery.  The more people who use RSS both readers and content providers, the better for all.  RCG is perhaps the leader in RSS delivery of real estate data.  If only I could implement this type of search …  One of my favorite RSS explanations remains Waldo’s “RSS for total Newbies.”

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Search for sex offenders

One of the standard disclosures on our real estate contracts is the Virginia version of Megan’s Law.Now, we have this – a national google mashup of the National Sex Offender Registry.  This is our State site (no mashup).  Whatever your thoughts over whether sexual offenders are recidivistic or not, this is certainly an excellent resource for my clients.

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Search terms

I am frequently amused at the ways visitors reach this blog.  A few of the recent strings that stand out:how much below asking price to offer real estate – it depends.  Make sure your Realtor does a CMA.charlottesville va bad neighborhood – Call the Charlottesville Police Department.  Their online incident section is way out of datewhat do i need to listen to podcasts in my caar Do they mean “my car” or mycaar?  Either way, my podcasts are here.virginia real estate self representation making an offer to buy a- techrealtor negative perceptions integrity – With the vast number of Realtors and the low standards for entry, this is bound to happen.  charlottesville daily progress crap paper – ecooptionsnar ceo mls consolidation – let the grassroots begin!housing comps waynesboro va – A sign of the changing marketwaynesboro towncenter plans – Aargh.  Another towncenter?how to find a house if you know the mls number in virginia Go here.

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Light blogging this week

I am away for much of this week attending the second of four retreats for the VAR Leadership Academy, and probably spending the time upon my return catching up.  This time we are in Natural Bridge, just past beautiful Lexington, home of my alma mater, VMI.  What are the chances these guys are wrong?Bill Gates, John Doerr and Steve Case believed in the Internet long before Wall Street did.  Now, they’re betting on the next great “disruptive” technology: alternative fuels and other environmentally friendly products, but this time other investors aren’t far behind.And we will soon have wind technology in our backyard.The alternative fuel economy is going to shape how our region grows, whether we like it or not….  I cannot stress this enough: Our scattered, disconnected, low-density pattern of development is a significant contributor to the increase in Vehicle Miles Driven and gasoline consumption.  Over the past half-century, Virginians have built an auto-centric physical infrastructure adapted to a cheap-energy world but maladapted to an expensive-energy world….  But our political leaders continue their Business As Usual transportation and land use policies, differing only in the extent to which they are willing to dedicate new revenue streams to perpetuate the ancient energy regime.  This, too will shape the future of CharlAlbemarle.

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Links 04-13-2006

The real estate blogosphere celebrates one of its own stepping to a new level.  This is a testament to bloggers’ influence, acceptance and the simple fact that Dustin is an innovator and leader.  Here’s hoping that listens to him, lest they be left in the dust by the competition (pun intended).Like it or not, Microsoft leads the way, not by innovation, but by volume.  Those who have adopted RSS already – get ready for others to “discover” this will be the first feed syndication experience for hundreds of millions of users who would love to add more content to their page, connect with friends, and take control of the flow of information in ways geeks have for years….  After much discussion and court-time, the DOE upgraded the standard for air conditioning units, effective January 2006.  Apparently, any existing units in stock may be used, but all new units must meet the new standard.  This is good news for those seeking lower energy costs and higher efficiency, especially because “88% of homeowners say lower energy costs are “very important” when choosing an air conditioner.”MLS consolidation is necessary.  Currently I am a member of and about to be a member of the Charlottesville-area MLS, Northern-VA MLS, Staunton/Augusta (Waynesboro!)

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