Browsing Category Technology

You’re Going about It all Wrong – Or How to Search for Homes in Charlottesville (Without a Realtor)

Look at picture to see how different the home looked a few years back (pics usually taken in 2002 or 2003). ( ed note: this leads to a separate rant about Realtors stripping the MLS of photos of their listings when the listing expires/sells – this kills the accuracy and historical context of the MLS )e. … For example: Grove St. plus Charlottesville clued me into the Grove Square development (which I was unaware of because I’m new to C’ville). (ed note: don’t forget to visit Charlottesville Tomorrow for the most in-depth reporting on growth, development and politics in Charlottesville/Albemarle) 5.

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Reflecting on Zillow’s Influence Over the Past Three Years

A lot has changed in the real estate tech space, but the real estate business remains a belly-to-belly business, with client relationships solidified with handshakes and time spent together in the car, in houses, at the coffee shop. Zillow in Charlottesville, Virginia Zillow’s presence in the Charlottesville real estate market is negligible; in spite of this I’ve always considered them another tool in the good Realtor’s toolbox. … I for one, have welcomed the opportunity to answer this. (more in a later post) Brian Boero at 1000Watt Blog offers this kick ass post on Zillow’s three year anniversary – (bolding mine/read the whole thing) The real estate industry owes Zillow a debt of gratitude, whatever their fate may be.

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If Can Do It, Can’t I?

Just curious – If is displaying sold data (data apparently not available in Charlottesville – yet, bolding mine) With some areas experiencing a 25 to 39 percent decrease in home prices in the third quarter, buyers need to remain competitive in potential bidding wars. Using ®, the #1 homes for sale Web site, buyers can track price changes on homes of interest, monitor actual sales data on nearby homes within 24 hours of a sale , and get the latest photos and video tours of thousands of Southern California properties.

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Shared Workspace in Charlottesville

Daniel and the folks at Cloudbrain have proposed what I think is a brilliant idea that is probably being done elsewhere … this would be perfect for Realtors who don’t need the wasteful infrastructure provided by larger facilities, when all many of us need is a coffee shop, occasionally a larger conference room and quiet space to work/write.

… There seems to be a lot of 1 – 4 person companies in Cville that (1) Spend most of their time on a computer (2) Want to be Downtown (3) Are paying too much for office space or work from home and (3) Would benefit from being around other creative people during the day.

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A Few Infrastructure Discussions worth Paying Attention To

6/2008 For the most possible context – Charlottesville Tomorrow’s Meadowcreek Parkway category – The Infrastructure we Want – Daniel Nairn After reading upwards of 100 comments, I found only one person in favor of funding new roads. … – MPO continues review of future transportation projects; Supports road widening and overpasses on US 29 Three members of the MPO Policy Board were present at the group’s meeting on November 24, 2008.

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Update on New MLS Search Tool

Here’s what I’m seeing so far – 1 – All the photos and virtual tours still aren’t coming over – I think this may have something to do with the type of feed they’re using, but we’ll sort it out soon. … I’m going to do a post in the next couple of days highlighting some of the key features of the search – search by MLS number, how each listing has a permanent link that you can email to your friends (or use in a blog post 🙂 ) …

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