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Learned something today

I have been going to Chicago once a month for the past four months.  I have yet to experience that elusive goal of on-time delivery of my person from place A to place B.  Having flown from Charlottesville through Washington Dulles, Charlotte and New York LaGuardia, I figured this time I would try Cincinnati.  When asked this afternoon why I tried so many different connections, I responded saying, “each time I get a new story.”  If I do not look at the bright side, I will focus on my missing my family …This evening I garnered a new story.  The flight from Chicago to Cincinnati was delayed about an hour or so.

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There are going to be lots of memories and remembrances today about 9/11/01 and justifiably so.  These remembrances will be eloquent and poignant and touching.I was at my very first home inspection today five years ago, with my very first clients.  We grabbed a TV from the Seller’s bedroom and watched in silence?…  Confusion?Today, I am planning* to fly to Chicago through LaGuardia.  Because I have to be in Chicago tonight and tomorrow.  For most of us, life goes on. For that I am grateful.  Never forget.*”planning to” because I am scheduled to fly out of the Charlottesville airport, an airport with which I am currently batting a .500 success rate with regards to actual departures and landings.And to my family, I say thank you for your support and love and understanding.  I know you’re a bit scared, but today is as safe and/or as unsafe as any other day.

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Friday links – 25 August 2006

The Human CarHome for Sale, by Anxious Owner – my analysis of local incentives is coming soon.  Macro market roundupKeep your friends close and your enemies closer (Microsoft and Firefox collaborate)A great idea marginalized by its affiliation with the UNIt took some time, but I finally found what may be my favorite commercial today – the one for Barclay’s i-Shares, titled “Strike Anywhere.”  I’m not sure I’ll buy i-Shares, but this commercial does speak to me.

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How do you feel?

How do you feel about giving our tax money to New Orleans when their elected “leader” makes comments like this?During the “60 minutes” interview, a correspondent pointed out flood-damaged cars still on the streets of New Orleans’ devastated Ninth Ward.  Nagin replied, “You guys in New York can’t get a hole in the ground fixed, and it’s five years later.  So let’s be fair,” according to CBS.I am tempted to agree wholeheartedly with Greg.

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Wow. All you have to do is sit.

Walt Mossberg tests out a truly high-tech toilet.  How lazy does one have to be?For example, push the “For Her” front button and a pink wand releases a gentle spray.  Each wand is rinsed before you use it, and after you arise from the seat, whether or not you used it.Using the remote, you can adjust the force and temperature of the water, and the temperature of the heated seat.  You must manually decide when to stop the water or air.We found that the heated seat, which can be set to automatically turn off or on at certain times of the day, was a great feature.  And the warm water — once we got the temperature right — was also a luxurious twist on the normal bathroom experience.Seriously – is this necessary?  Temporary free link.  I can almost hear the crotchety conversations now in 2025 – “When I was a kid, we had to wipe ourselves!  Not some confounded machine!”

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