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Earthquake in Charlottesville – 23 August 2011

Alright, how many of you did what you were supposed to do in an earthquake?

The USGS Earthquake Hazards Program states that we just experienced a 5.8 magnitude earthquake.

1 – Twitter was BY FAR the best way to learn about the earthquake.
2 – Learning from previous experience, I remembered that texting is a better option than calling.
3 – Thanks, Comcast and Dominion Power and Verizon. I never lost cable, internet, power or cell phone service.
4 – I’ve always known we were due for an earthquake, but hadn’t felt one that big before.
5 – Where were you?

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“Untitled” because I can’t think of an appropriate title.

I ride my bike with my younger daughter frequently. In two days, she will be a second grader.

This morning we recommenced our morning ritual of riding our bikes to the Crozet Mudhouse, a pit stop on the path to Crozet Elementary.

Upon our return home, we stopped for a bit of exploration and she seized the opportunity to cut me to the quick:


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Monday Links – 07-25-11

Trying to make sense of things this morning –

Delusional Home Sellers? Interestingly, half of the comments are noting Zillow’s inaccurate conclusions.

via Twitter: “If you pay attention to ONE thing about the debt ceiling fiasco… listen to this. It’s 5 mins & will open your eyes.” Amazing.

– Behavioral economics fascinate me: Honest Tea Declares Chicago Most Honest City, New York Least Honest. I wonder how Charlottesville would fare, and if there would be different results in different parts of town, say, The Corner versus the Downtown Mall.

City dwellers aren’t so green

Look out below, Debt ceiling version

– Are you on Google+ yet?

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