Browsing Category Thoughts, etc.

A buried stream

A buried stream shows itself.  This was not discovered in the home inspection.My client emailed me this movie with these (partial) remarks – …  there is a creek at the bottom of Mulberry Avenue …  the city was working a week ago down there, but I heard there is natural stream coming from the top of the street, somewhere between Mulberry ave and Center ave.  I don’t know if the water is coming from the street, or from the ground….  Anyway.  Thank goodness they didn’t built the house further back…And the next morning – This morning, if you sit next to the path of the stream, you can still hear the water flowing underneath the grass.  It’s still there, but more quiet.

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Soccer catches on

Way off topic, other than the fact that playing, coaching and watching soccer brings me joy:Despite the general lack of interest in the World Cup by the US audience, the soccer tournament is more popular than the NBA basketball championship and the NHL’s Stanley Cup hockey title.  Both of those events were being held at the same time as the World Cup.Anything worth while takes time.

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Off-topic, yet interesting

Are Americans Ready for Smaller Houses?  Time Will Tell.  I, for one, believe that smaller houses are poised for a return to prominence and vogue.  More and more, I have clients asking for utility bills.  Witness the condo boom – good, functional, efficient spaces that are well-located sell well.Sustainable citiesTreehugger roundup: Green Issue, a Green real estate firm, Green business performs well.  Allowing the free market to work will ultimately be far more effective and efficient than top-down governmental regulations.  What good does prohibition do, besides promote dishonesty, sneaking and death?Crazy dangerous physics teachersWhere has our common sense gone?

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All business requires leaders – be they technological leaders, moral leaders or those who will lead the fight.  I came across this speech (transcript) from the Citadel’s Commencement service and feel the need to share.  First: Grow where you are planted.Second: Check your moral compass frequentlyThird: Make decisions.Fourth and last, and this is the most basic: Take care of those in your charge….Fundamentally it is true whether you’re in civilian life or the military.  It is easier to get forgiveness than it is to get permission….  That’s why you’re getting paid, that’s why you’re there.  Make decisions.In other words, better to beg forgiveness than ask permission.Thanks to the Southern Conservative for the heads-up about this speech.  The speech is here on the Citadel’s servers.  I have posted it here.

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