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Links for 04-17-2006

The World is Flat – for those who have forgotten that we live in a global societyWithout experiencing failure, how does one measure success?In those months of walking, I learned a lot….  And I learned a lot about this country; it’s hard not to when you’ve seen so much of it, one step at a time.  But the hardest lesson was — is — failure.Single-sex education in CharlAlbemarle?  This nat be an opportunity for the school systems to be innovative and to merge the Charlottesville and Albemarle school systems….  Honestly, unless you are self-employed, do you have any idea how much you paid in taxes this year?How an Influx of New Homes Could Affect One Family’s LifeBottom line: our home’s value is headed higher, and so are our taxes.  But how to quantify the new development’s impact on our daily lives?Local real estate trends outweigh national trends……  But state numbers don’t matter much, either; and even city numbers are of limited value.  What matters is what happens within a 10-mile radius of where you want to buy.Hence, this blog.

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Friday afternoon …

I was in class all morning, so am in the midst of catching up.  I leave you this Friday with these – (which have interesting headlines, but I haven’t read them all yet)If Michigan Is Looking at Rapid Transit, Can Virginia Be Far Behind?TDRs, a Step in the Right DirectionMedia Hype?  on the emerging buyer’s marketWhy do planners favor automobiles?

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Cheating matters

A sign of good things to come?  “Cheating matters.  It isn’t OK to cork a bat.  Cheaters shouldn’t prosper.”Is this novel concept making its way into big business?  The idealist in me wants to believe that companies such as Home Depot and Bank of America are choosing to make statements about Barry Bonds simply because it’s the right thing to do.  The realist/cynic thinks that they wouldn’t say these things if they didn’t believe that at least a large part of the market would buy into the concept that cheating is wrong.  Maybe UVa students will start to realize that honor includes self-policing.

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Double check your spelling

I don’t know which bugs me more – the misspelling of “privilege” or the fact that I can’t figure out who spelled it incorrectly in the first place.  The Daily Progress’ byline is “From staff reports,” and ESPN’s says “Joe Schad.”  Both reports say:”It is a privelege and not a right to wear a Cavaliers jersey and to represent our university and community,” Groh said.  “There are certain things that are vital and those things come into sharper focus and are multiplied when you’re rebuilding, as we are.  That’s focus, commitment and dependability.”I think it’s the misspelling.

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On Barry Bonds

If he’s just staying in for the record, why don’t the players just not pitch to him?  What better statement from those who haven’t cheated?I don’t care too much for baseball, but I do have great disdain for cheaters.  Of all the articles I read yesterday on this, this one by Buster Olney stood out.

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Nike Soccer videos

I love soccer.  My clients know this, as one has asked me whether I place a higher value on properties that are in closer proximity to soccer fields.  Short answer – yes.Nike Soccer has, in preparation for the World Cup, produced some awesome videos featuring Eric Cantona and many of the world’s most impressive players.  The passion that he conveys and with which they play is infectious.  My wife thinks I am crazy for enjoying these videos so much, but my daughter loves them.

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