Browsing Category Thoughts, etc.

Leadership Academy

I am going to be gone next week, Tuesday through Thursday, attending the VAR Leadership Academy.  This is a year-long program that is comprised of four retreats and is designed to – you guessed it – shape and develop better leaders.  Our first assignment has been to read The Timeless Leader, a fascinating conglomeration of leaders throughout history and the corporate correlations.

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Recycling in Albemarle?

The HooK has an interesting story this morning (story not up yet) that says that even though Albemarle County does not pick up recycling anymore, …  county code mandates that haulers have to offer the service, “but doesn’t say how it should be managed,” …  and George Shadman, Albemarle County’s director of general services, urges residents whose recycling isn’t getting picked up to call general services at 296-5811.  “We will call the hauler,” he says, “and remind them of their obligation.”  I called my hauler and they do not in fact offer recycling, for simple reasons with which I can understand….  They would have to come around with another truck to pick up the recycling, on a different day most likely, and this would cost more – gas prices have gone up, labor costs, etc. Personally, I would be willing to pay a little bit more so that I could feel better about subscribing to the Wall Street Journal.Maybe if we were all more willing to pay for this service, it would be more freely offered ……  I know that I and many of my clients (and friends and neighbors) would love the option to easily recycle.  One would think that a progressive community such as ours would be able to achieve a progressive recycling program.

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Things leaders do

Maybe not “the” things leaders do, but certainly some very good ones.I like them all; these stand out to me:Stay disciplined and detailed.”Good leaders are never afraid to intervene personally on things that are important.  Leaders learn constantly and also have to learn how to teach.  “A leader’s primary role is to teach.  People who work with you don’t have to agree with you, but they have to feel you’re willing to share what you’ve learned.”Stay true to your own style.”Leadership is an intense journey into yourself.  You can use your own style to get anything done.  It’s about being self-aware.  Every morning, I look in the mirror and say, ‘I could have done three things better yesterday.’

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