Browsing Category Thoughts, etc.

Toy Lift Friday

From WINA:Snow or no snow, the annual Toy Lift is happening Friday from 7 a.m. until 9 p.m. at the Lowe’s parking lot off 29 North.  Spokesman Tom Powell says if you don’t know what to give or don’t have the time, you can give cash or use your credit card to make a donation.  A phone number to use that method will be given out Friday morning on WINA.If you cannot make it, call and give some money.  Or, call to talk to my wife, who will be there all day.

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Judging customers

There is an almost-legendary story in my office of a client who walked in on Christmas Eve (New Year’s Eve?)  many years ago dressed in raggedly-looking clothes who wanted to see a property or two.  Despite the client’s not looking like he could afford to look at even one $50k property, the agent on duty (we’re open 7 days a week) sized him up, showed him the properties and, as legend has it, eventually sold him over one million dollars’ worth of real estate.  Yesterday, dressed in jeans, boots and a fleece, I was looking at some shoes in Nordstrom in Short Pump.  I was killing time waiting for my wife and was unsure as to whether I should buy them (or try them on without the wife’s approval).  I was talking to the salesman and commenting on the quality of the leather, the sole, etc. They happened to be fairly expensive …  the gentleman “helping” me nonchalantly took the shoe out of my hands with the comment of “well, they are quite nice, but they are quite expensive too, you really get what you pay for …”…  or one who may want to purchase a $150k condo, move up in five years, then again in seven, all the while referring their friends and colleagues to me …

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Toy Lift needs Emergency Help!

This from an email I just received from CAAR:REALTOR® Beth Powell and her husband Tom (Mr. Toy Lift) Powell have an urgent need for the community’s assistance.  This week, three major sponsors backed out of their support (I certainly hope they have good reason!  -jd) for the annual Toy Lift Project.  That means that this wonderful community charity will be short about $15,000 that was going to be used to buy 300 bicycles for needy children in our community.  They have a special agreement with WalMart each year to purchase these bikes at a greatly reduced price, but now, they are significantly short of funds.  If you can help, please make a tax deductible donation to Kid’s Lift Foundation.  You can drop off your check to the foundation at CAAR, to Tom Powell at Quick Lane behind Colonial Auto Center or Beth at Frank Hardy Inc. If you have questions, please call Beth Powell at 434-817-0631 or 434-975-TOYS.Please help.

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Toy Lift 2005

This year’s Toy Lift is well under way.  (It never really stops; coordinating this type of charity is a never-ending process).My wife and I have volunteered for this for the past couple of years – it truly is a worth-while cause and I encourage any and all to donate.  Even one toy can make a kid’s Christmas morning better.  From AlbemarleKids’ page (they wrote it better than I):Toy Lift is the signature event of the Kids Lift Foundation.  Toy Lift began in 1989 when founder Tom Powell decided to perch himself eighty feet up in a bucket truck until people donated 1,000 toys, which he then distributed to local children.  Toy Lift has grown into a huge annual community event with festival activities, entertainment, and raising over 18,000 toys.  Lowe’s Parking Lot or at Lake Monticello in front of Back 2 Health….  For more info call: 975-TOYS.

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