Browsing Category Thoughts, etc.
Full-time Realtors
Just found a neat little section of the statistical summary in our MLS database. There are approximately 1100 Realtors in our Board. 612 closed at least one listing in 2004. Only 261 closed at least…
Bruce Arena on coaching youth
At an event Thursday, Arena was asked the best way to coach young players. He said it was important for youngsters to have fun and that only 13 coaches in the country should feel pressure to win–the 12 in MLS and himself.I strive to coach my U-12 girls the same way…. Yes, one can learn a great deal about life through this complex game, but the kids should not feel the added pressure of a winning each and every time.
Soccer tournament
We won the first game, 4-0 and my daughter not only made several nice saves and scored two goals…. The second game was a different story – playing against a team from Charlottesville, the other team was vicious and dirty and took advantage of many missed or blown calls from the referee…. They were defeated by a possibly better coached (UVa’s women’s coach “helps out”) team, but my girls cheered loudly for the other team, shook hands and held their heads high.
Morning funny (bubble)
By Steve Breen, The San Diego Union-Tribune, for USA TODAY
Mass transit increases property values?
Found this blog today with a very interesting story about the above subject -Proximity to transit can affect property values in three somewhat different ways, one negative and two positive.First, being located very close to a transit station or along a transit line tends to have negative effects, due to noise and air pollution from trains, and increased automobile traffic from users. These nuisance may reduce residential property values very close to a transit station or rail line.Second, it gives one location a relative advantage over other locations …Third, transit can also increase overall productivity by reducing total transportation costs …I wonder if the data would hold true for the Central VA region … thoughts, anybody?
Charlottesville site of Internet “War-Game”
My Way News:WASHINGTON – The CIA is conducting a war game this week to simulate an unprecedented, Sept. 11-like electronic assault against the United States. The three-day exercise, known as “Silent Horizon,” is meant to test the ability of government and industry to respond to escalating Internet disruptions over many months, according to participants.They spoke on condition of anonymity because the CIA asked them not to disclose details of the sensitive exercise taking place in Charlottesville, Va., about two hours southwest of Washington.Nifty. This is a nice blurb (thanks to the Drudgereport) that goes in tandem with The HooK’s story today detailing how NGIC may benefit from the nation’s impending base closings.