I don’t know the answers, but it’s worth the conversation and awareness. How are Charlottesville/Albemarle/Central Virginia planning for self-driving cars? They’re coming. Uber swallows self-driving truck startup Otto for $680 million Columbus’ smart city win may…
Browsing Category Transportation
The Rio Road Grade Separated Interchange Project – Live!
What they are doing at the intersection of Rio and 29 in Charlottesville is amazing. I don’t know if this project is going to actually make traffic more efficient, but it sure is incredible…
Building Walls in Charlottesville
I never thought I’d see these in this part of Charlottesville. Short story: they’re redoing Emmet Street/29 from Forest Lakes to Best Buy. Start here for quick background. For those of you from Charlottesville but who haven’t…
Gas Price Math – Looking Back at 2008
Make sure you factor in the cost of transportation from home to work (in the Charlottesville – Albemarle area) when considering where you want to buy a home.
Gas Price Math: Charlottesville City vs Albemarle County
Gas prices and commute times/distances matter. Shorter commutes have been proven to be better both for happiness and budgets. For those of us who do this every day, gas prices are something we evaluate frequently,…
Good Walking & Biking Infrastructure Matters
Several years ago in Crozet, before the Old Trail neighborhood was as populated as it is (and is yet to be), before Haden Place neighborhood had broken ground … before the new Crozet Library was finished, Jarmans…
How On-Time is Charlottesville’s Amtrak?
Great transit is darn near a necessity for a lot of people, particularly those moving to Charlottesville from cities within the US and from Europe who are accustomed to, and dependent on, trains. Living in the City…