The Washington Post reports this morning that Gov. Tim Kaine … will force the issue by calling a special session or extending the current one, which is scheduled to end March 11.”I’m not going to walk away without a deal,” Kaine said. “If something doesn’t get done, I’m going to stay until it does.” I admire his conviction. Transportation woes have long been talked about, teeth have been gnashed, and talked about some more.
Browsing Category Transportation
Transportation news links
Not THE Gas Tax, but a Gas Tax IncreaseAnother Round of Tax IncreasesAn Opportunity for Truly Smart Growth in VA”Over the long term,” Kaine told the General Assembly, “the most important single change we can make is to reform the way we plan at both state and local levels.” He added, “Our current system, in which local governments make land-use decisions and the state follows behind with transportation planning and funding, creates a situation where the left hand doesn’t know what the right hand is doing.”The bad news is that, while the governor’s diagnosis is generally correct, his solution focuses too much on what not to do. The language about development and growth is not about wisely directing it, but rather about slowing it, curbing it, even halting it.In advocating more investment in transportation projects, especially adding lanes or building new roads, the governor has missed the opportunity to tie transportation investments much more explicitly to state, county and municipal land-use policies and practices.Kaine plan on Traffic Unleashes Swift BlitzIt “would in fact result in a complete moratorium in the construction of new housing in Northern Virginia,” (said) home builder W. Craig Havenner ……Havenner refused to give up: “We don’t believe that the right approach is to shut down the economy while we catch up from 20-plus years of a complete lack of funding, particularly in the transportation area.”Wrong.More on the two WP articles later.
Transportation information resource
Curious about how much that new road you heard about is going to cost? Wonder where it is? Now you can easily find out. Charlottesville Tomorrow has put together a new page that shows all of this information in a clear, concise, even graphical manner. Check it out here.
Transportation items
Charlottesville Tomorrow has a detailed report on yesterday’s Meadowcreek Parkway Interchange meeting. Meadowcreek Parkway has been discussed, and planned, and discussed for an obscene amount of time. Our area needs this to be built. I hadn’t seen this before – 250 Bypass Interchange Project site.This is what happens when government is not involved in a construction project (for better or worse) – The North Grounds Connector will be open for traffic Friday. The new route connects Massie Road with the 29/250 Bypass. The University used its own money to build the Connector, which is opening five months ahead of schedule. (bolding mine) A project gets done!
Cheap marketing for developers
Giving away bikes with new homes. What a perfect idea for the vaunted New Urbanist developments in the area. If they truly want to encourage “alternative methods” of transportation, how much could it cost to throw in a couple of bikes? This would be great advertising as well. A small development in the City of C’Ville included Vespas in their deals, but think about the opportunity here. For each new house in, say, Old Trail, or at the Hollymead Town Center, all new residents (of biking ages) were given a bike … that would be a pretty decent incentive to not hop in the car each time to go to school or the market … just a thought.
Growth, sprawl, transportation and more
This month’s Rebellion is out. I haven’t read it yet, but it touches on some pressing issues – transportation, growth, land use … read it here.I said the essentially what he is saying below (with far less eloquence) the other day – From the standpoint of economic efficiency, transportation should be a “user pays†system. Political and civic leaders should disabuse voters of the notion that roads and highways are a free good. Someone must pay to build and maintain them.
Not used to NoVa traffic, are you?
In a recent post regarding the dearth of senior housing in our region, I noted a new development coming to Greene County. One might think (as I did) that it would be a beneficial idea for this developer to provide some form of transportation for the future residents into Charlottesville. This development is being marketed as “Four Seasons Charlottesville” despite its location in Ruckersville.