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Crozet Growth “town meeting” Feb. 9

WINA reportsThe follow is a letter of invitation from David Wyant that is in the mail to all Crozet residents regarding the February 9 meeting at Western Albemarle High School….  The February 9 meeting is intended to have staff members who are working directly on major infrastructure projects such as those mentioned in the letter talk directly to Crozet residents about the status and future steps of those projects….  While staff who will be in the room on February 9 to talk about the respective infrastructure projects are not the decision makers on population projections, they do have some important infrastructure information to share and we are hoping the meeting will be a venue where that kind of information can be exchanged and discussed….  Dear Crozet Residents, You are cordially invited to attend a town meeting to update residents on the status of implementation for the Crozet Master Plan to be held on Thursday evening, February 9, from 7:00 pm until 9:00 pm at the Western Albemarle High School Cafeteria….  While the Master Plan and its population projections have been the topic of much discussion recently in other venues, the purpose of the meeting on February 9th is to focus on infrastructure development in Crozet over the next 20 years of the plan.  We feel that Crozet residents need and deserve the opportunity to hear directly from county staff and officials about the status of implementation and the efforts that are going on to support the goals of the plan….  We will also discuss the formation of the Crozet Community Advisory Committee to be appointed by the Board of Supervisors and outline other ways for you to stay engaged in the process of master plan implementation….  You may also sign up for the County’s Amail enews service on the website so that you will receive regular bulletins, meeting notices, etc. We appreciate your interest and hope that you will attend the meeting and/or stay informed about the progress of the Master Plan through one of the methods we have mentioned.

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Crozet’s Growth

The DP has a nice summary this morning of last night’s Crozet Community Association meeting.It was an interesting meeting, attended by approximately 300 people, most of whom may fit directly into the”How many people want Crozet to be half the population of Charlottesville?”The County has created this Master Plan, in essence asking for the public’s trust.  This is a different situation – it is imperative to coordinate infrastructure and growth.  The argument against building the infrastructure – roads/schools/etc.  seems to hold less weight and value when the County is currently planning for that growth.  The growth is not unexpected; it is in fact targeted for the Crozet area.  Why Dennis Rooker played the role of politician extremely well.  It is no surprise that he was re-elected last year.

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Open House in Crozet this weekend.

I rarely do Public open houses because I think that they typically are an opportunity for the agent to gain buyers rather than actually sell the house.  However, this weekend I will be holding 720 Grayrock Drive open from 1 until 4pm, as the timing works out well for me and for my sellers and I am trying to continue my focus on the Crozet market.  Please stop by; this house is beautiful inside and out.

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Crozet’s Master Plan receives major award

Albemarle County, Virginia’s Master Plan for the village of Crozet has been singled out as one of the most innovative such projects in America. The plan was one of fifteen studies selected nationwide by the Congress for the New Urbanism (CNU) for a 2005 Charter Award, the organization’s highest accolade for exemplary design and implementation. From Citiesthatwork.comWhat is most funny is that Two weeks before the Board of Supervisors voted December 1 to approve the Crozet Master Plan, the Crozet Community Association just said no.

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