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Notes From a Buyer Meeting

This post from last year has links to stories about choosing the right Buyer’s Agent, Top 5 Questions Buyers ask, Why I ask all of my clients to sign Buyer-Broker agreements and more.

…As I said on WINA radio recently , I expect everything that I say to be Google and vetted through family, friends, Facebook , LinkedIn … now is the time to ask questions.

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Four Years of Blogging at RealCentralVA – And No End in Sight

The impact that real estate blogging has had on the real estate (and the impact yet to be effected) industry is remarkable and incalculable. Trending of real estate blogs in Google Over the past four years, I’ve written a lot – at Bloodhound Blog , currently write at Agent Genius , RealCrozetVA since September 2005 , recently started RealWaynesboroVA … and have more ideas than time for what I have yet to even begin to accomplish in the blogging space. … Thanks to the Internet Archive (which doesn’t seem to be archiving anymore) – here’s a brief look back at four years of blogging – Believe it or not, my original blog is still up and hosted on my dot mac account ; running on the iblog blogging platform – Early 2005 Central VA real estate news, trends, opinions and more - Mozilla Firefox 3.1 Beta 2.jpg Lessons learned – 1) Don’t do that.

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Hiatus Over – Wrapping up 2008

– I’m looking to find a good Realtor to share the management of RealWaynesboroVA – a third blog is just a bit too much work, and to be truly successful, I need more content and time dedicated to building that site. … – A focus here and on RealCrozetVA will be on the community – building, maintaining, helping … this year is one where community is going to play a much stronger role than it has in the past decade.

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Wrapping Up Tuesday’s Radio Appearance

Is it that “experts” will tell you to hold the stock in hopes of it going up in value and then explain that those with homes worth less than their mortgages shouldn’t feel bad about breaking their mortgages and defaulting ? … … But – start here – Assessments, property taxes and shifting market values in Albemarle County The new bailout/foreclosure prevention bill – start here to educate yourselves – Calculated Risk This is intended to help “thousands” (a drop in the bucket unless it is several hundred thousand), and seems to encourage homeowners to stop making payments until they are 90 days late. and Rain City Guide This is the beginning of massive government intervention to try and slow foreclosures.

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