Renting Bicycles in Charlottesville

A client who was in town recently (who’s buying a house in a very walkable and bikeable part of Charlottesville) asked me if there was anywhere to rent a bike in Charlottesville. I should have anticipated getting this question from someone, as I’ve done video tours for clients while on a bicycle and shown houses to clients on bicycles, but I was totally unprepared.

Thanks to the Facebook and my bicycle-riding friends, I was able to help my client … and I asked the folks at the respective shops for some more information.

Cville Bike and Tri responded:

We offer road and mountain bikes for rent. The road bikes are Specialized Roubaix carbon bicycles with Ultegre components. They rent for $50/day M-Th, and $75/day F-Su. We have two types of mountain bikes.   The hardtails are Specialized Stumpjumper Comp 29rs and rent for $35/day M-Th, and $50/day F-Su.   The full suspension bikes are the Camber Comp 29rs, and rent for $50/day M-Th, and $75/day F-Su.   We use these as demos as well so if customer rents then buys, we take up to two days rental off the purchase price.

Blue Ridge Cyclery:

We do rentals yes, comfort bikes are $35 a day. Road bikes are $45 a day. MTB’s are 45 or 60 a day depending on hardtail/full suspension.

I’m thinking this might be something I could work with with my visiting clients who want to ride bikes to see houses but don’t bring theirs with them.

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Don’t Talk about your Real Estate Negotiations (on Social Media)!

Charlottesville is (still) a small town. It might seem smaller when you try to buy or sell a house.

Please. Please. Please. If you’re buying or selling a house, be aware that what you are posting on your social networks or blogs may be found by the buyer, seller or real estate agent – and may harm your negotiations.

Buyers – Don’t talk on Facebook/Twitter/G+/whatever about what houses you like or love. Until after you close. When you get a house under contract, don’t tell the world. (or do so to a very limited number of friends) — and don’t assume that you’ve locked down your Facebook privacy settings; they’re complex – see this creepy story if you don’t believe me.

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Short Sales Might be Getting Easier (maybe)

Short sales still comprise parts of the Charlottesville area real estate market; in some segments they are a greater percentage, in others they are nearly nonexistent. I’m sharing this information with you so that you can be as well informed as possible. Short sales remain an adventure – for buyers, sellers and their Realtors – and hopefully this settlement signals some progress.*

You may have heard about the $25 billion mortgage settlement … for a look at some of the critical numbers in the settlement, ProPublica has a great breakdown, including:

60-200: documents signed daily by different individual loan processors working for Bank of America, according to the government audit.

12-18 inches: height of the stacks of documents one Bank of America employee signed “without a review.”

$1 million: fine to be levied on the banks for each violation of the terms of the overall settlement, escalating to $5 million for repeat violations. (Exactly how fines will be tallied is still unclear.)

But did you know that the settlement ostensibly makes short sales, often the bane of existence who are fans of things happening in a timely fashion, logic, reason and accountability … better?

The NAR put together these takeaways from the mortgage settlement. As Sarah says, these may become helpful reality or they might be representative of another shiny unicorn that does nothing other than frustrate us — these are only for the top 5 banks, not all of the servicers, of which there are many.

1. Short Sale Timeline. The settlement contains short sale standards that are similar to the Treasury Department’s Home Affordable Foreclosure Alternative, or HAFA, program. A number of these standards will improve the short sale process including making short sale requirements publicly available, development of co-op programs to evaluate short sales prior to marketing the home, and the implementation of a 30-day response requirement after receipt of all required information and third party consents.

2. No Dual Tracking. As part of the settlement, the five servicers will no longer be able to proceed with a foreclosure sale if a short sale or deed-in-lieu of foreclosure has been approved by all parties (first lien investor, junior lien holder, and mortgage insurer, as applicable) and proof of funds or financing has been provided to the servicer. Servicers will also face strict foreclosure referral guidelines if borrowers have requested a loan modification.

3. Single Point of Contact. NAR has long called on servicers to establish a single point of contact for borrowers. This provision will not only assist in maintaining consistency and coordination of loss mitigation options, but will reduce the amount of time agents and brokers spend discussing individual short sale files with new negotiators.

4. Establishment of Loan Portal. Though processes have recently improved, many members report that lost documents requiring multiple submissions continue to cause delays. The five servicers have agreed to consolidate information for borrowers by developing online loan portals that will provide borrowers with access to information, eligibility factors for loss mitigation programs, and inform borrowers of required documentation that is missing.

5. Strong Enforcement Mechanism. The success of a number of well-intentioned programs has been hampered by voluntary servicer participation and a seemingly lack of compliance oversight. The five national banks party to the settlement will be required to regularly report compliance to an independent, outside monitor that reports to state attorneys general. State attorneys general and the U.S. Department of Justice can seek redress if the banks don’t follow the settlement terms.

Sarah Stelmok in Fredericksburg’s excellent post on the new short sale guidelines spurred this post.

* I doubt it.

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But it’s Family! (or Why to Think Twice About Hiring your Family Realtor)

“I’d love to use you as a realtor, but my brother is a Realtor in another part of the state and to not use him would not make much sense for me. It makes viewing houses a bit more inconvenient, but it’s family!” or “She’s my sister; I have to use her!” “I didn’t need to look for representation; my uncle is a Realtor”

Could you/would you fire your aunt?

Candidly and respectfully, “he’s/she’s family” is one of the worst reasons to hire buyer representation I have heard.

Hiring someone to represent you in what is likely the largest financial transaction you’ll ever make warrants asking some questions other than, “what did you get me for Christmas last year?” (hint: here are quite a few questions to ask if you’re interviewing buyer or seller representation)

Buying and selling a home can be extremely emotional, sometimes volatile, and the process necessitates complete faith, trust and competence.

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Adding Up – Some Quick Walking to School Math

My daughter’s school had a “Walk to School day” a few weeks in which nearly 90% of the student body walked to school. My little one was interviewed by the local news; in response to the question, “why do you like to walk or ride bikes to school?” her answer was the one she and I talk about all the time –

“It saves gas, it’s better for the environment, we exercise, and I get to spend time with my daddy.”

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There Is No Answer to “How’s the Real Estate Market in Charlottesville?”

I’ve said it before:

When Evaluating the Charlottesville Real Estate Market, IGNORE National Data

When Assessing the Charlottesville Real Estate Market, Read More than the Headlines

and here’s a taste of how conflicted my news feed and streams are –

Making Sense of Headlines – My Conflicted Inbox

I’ve been saying this to clients for the past couple of days; in light of today’s Case Shiller report I thought I’d share what I’m seeing:

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