Tips for a New Homeowner in Charlottesville

Homeownership means, for better or worse, you never stop working on and protecting your home. The Charlottesville area can be a moist, humid environment with lots of stinkbugs, termites, bad ladybugs and more. This means constant vigilance concerning your home.

A client who will soon be a homeowner for the first time asked me for advice – what does he need to do once he owns the home? (I’m thisclose to recommending that folks do as I say and not as I do and get a home inspection every couple of years)

Naturally, I asked on Twitter and Google + (I’m not giving up on it quite yet) and got some useful and interesting responses from homeowners and real estate folks.

Before I go on, thank you to everyone who answered; I sincerely appreciate the responses and for your helping me help my client (and hopefully quite a few more)

Stephen provided the most comprehensive answer:

I heard homeowners should budget to spend ~2% of the house price in maintenance per year. May sound like a lot, but if you do the math and add it up over the last 5 years and two houses I’ve done: repave driveway, replace HVAC, septic pumping, minor pluming leak, replace dishwasher, replace switches, replace main water shutoff valve, repair drywall, repaint railings, clean gutters (didn’t have a big enough ladder), pest control … and that doesn’t even include costs of yard maintenance. And then there’s upgrades like: new fence, new wood stove, install garage door opener, new garbage disposal, new propane tank, replace fixtures and cabinet handles, new tv antenna… There may be more I’m forgetting…*

Jane offers simple and perfect advice: “Never. Never ignore water or damp inside the house.” (I’m bolding this one)

Jennifer said – “Get a ladder and some basic tools and clean your gutters”

Steve says on G+ – “Claim your home on Zillow. If the listing agent or previous homeowner provided a description and photos, those may not be relevant anymore. Plus, it puts the control back where it belongs. That, and buy some duct tape and WD40.”

This is an interesting response (Steve’s in California where Zillow may be more accurate) … In Charlottesville, Zillow’s accuracy is dubious at best, but I’m finding more and more of my clients are using Zillow, even if only for ancillary information. So … better to be prepared!

Jeremy says: “Changing air filters DOES make a difference”

Bobbi suggests: “Fireplace? Get it cleaned and inspected. and Free energy inspection via power company. Work with@LEAP_VA to correct. Simple changes to blinds/curtains help. Tax credits. and Service plan for HVAC system (relationship w/company goes a long way when crisis strikes). Same for pest control/termites.”

Scott suggests: “#1 – Get on your roof 2x a year just to see what’s going on up there. #2 – Unequivocally buy a home warranty.”

And Keith says: “Put aside 2% of asset value annually and you’ll never have a problem”

What tips do you have for new homeowners? Please leave them in the comments (or email me)

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The Most Important Home Inspection in the New Construction Process

The most important home inspection in the new construction process … I tend to represent a lot of buyers who are building new homes in the Charlottesville area, and while I know which builders to trust and and which ones to be more wary of, I advise my buyers to always have home inspections at various phases of the building process. Trust but Verify. Having…

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Fluvanna’s Tax Rate is Going Up. Way Up

Fluvanna residents (and potential home buyers and sellers) – be prepared.

The Fluvanna County Board of Supervisors met Wednesday evening to discuss budget. After over an hour of public testimony, the supervisors voted 3-2 to approve a major increase to the advertised property tax increase.

The increase moves the current rate from 57 to 68 cents per $100 of assessed property value.

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City of Charlottesville to Use Eminent Domain in Fry Springs?

$24k for a half acre of land in the City? I have quite a few clients who would jump at that opportunity.

Charlottesville’s development staff needs that land to move forward on projects on Old Lynchburg Road. That includes adding sidewalks and bike paths, as well as improving drainage systems all along that street.

Plans have the vacant space at Fry’s Spring turning into a storm water basin, but Beach Club President Jim Veale says that comes at a serious cost to the club.

I wish the City would condemn the abandoned and now-going-to-auction-Landmark Hotel and tear it down.

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Charlottesville Real Estate Market February Update

Contracts are up in the Charlottesville area – significantly. Prices are down, inventory is down, sales are up. There is some positivity in the market; multiple offers, while not “the norm” are definitely common.

As I’ve said to clients: properties that are priced well*, in great condition, and in great locations tend to be selling well.

Nest Report – Feb 2012

I’m still trying to make time to run a few different numbers – breakdown of property type, etc. I’m doing these for my clients on property-specific instances frequently) but haven’t been able to do it for here …

* Priced well is part science, part art, part data analytics and part luck, sometimes not in equal proportions.

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Interesting New Market Report – Some Positivity in the (Macro & Micro) Market

One of the best parts of this Housing Prospects 50 States Release March 12 2012

One of the things I said in the Newsplex story is that any market analysis that is broader than a street or neighborhood is too broad to make an informed and educated decision.

Excerpting from the report won’t do it justice; if you’re interested, download the pdf and read it.

The one quibble I would make is that depending on Zillow for local analysis with respect to the Charlottesville MSA is perhaps not the best idea; but from a macro perspective, they’re worthwhile.

Perhaps the best part of the report is this – William Lucy states the need for local analysis and local perspectives. The housing system may be broken, but the solution is not a one-size-fits-all

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