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Letter from Director of RWSA

RWSA has stated publicly several times that the South Fork will remain in use regardless of the outcome of dredging as a water supply option, and has publicly advocated a scientifically based study of the reservoir to determine the most cost-effective means or combination of methods to preserve and maintain its continued use.3) The article states that the Environmental Protection Agency requires that planners choose the “least environmentally damaging, most practicable” water supply option…. There is no requirement to choose the “most” practicable, only the least environmentally damaging of all alternatives that are considered practicable.4) The article states that a James River pipeline “would, after all, provide a virtually unlimited supply of water to areas whose development potential is currently limited by groundwater supplies.”… Further, in April 2005 it was reported to the RWSA board that an Environmental Management System (EMS) had been successfully established at the Moores Creek Wastewater Treatment Facility after two years of intense work with the Environmental Protection Agency, and that an EMS is also under development at the South Fork Rivanna Water Treatment Facility.6) The article states, “Ellis claimed to be speaking on behalf of the environmental regulators.”

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