It’s Not about the NAR’s Numbers, It’s about the NAR’s Credibility

I’ve tried to write this story about the National Association of Realtors’ revisions and I can’t seem to write anything new that I or others haven’t said before.

Or more succinctly:

@mortgagereports How will they help? More accurate data is good, but who trusts the NAR? My take is: national is irrelevant,local is crucial

There’s a bit more after the break, but the above sums it up.

And … question everything. Always. I do.

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Life in Charlottesville – in Video

We’ve been releasing videos of life in Charlottesville and the surrounding areas.

It’s impossible to capture what life is like in these areas, but we hope that people find them representative of life in Ivy, Charlottesville, Crozet …

Life in Charlottesville video

Life in Ivy, just west of Charlottesville video

We deliberately did not overly brand these; these are for you.

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Albemarle County Could Get 4G Mobile Service

While the internet is the new infrastructure, mobile infrastructure is crucial. I’ve had clients in the Charlottesville – Albemarle area choose to not buy property because 1) hard-wired internet accessibility – fiber (very limited), or DSL or cable – is not available and/or 2) Reliable cell phone service is not available (GSM AT&T and T-Mobile) tends to be worse than CDMA – US Cellular, nTelos, Verizon, Sprint).

Charlottesville Tomorrow reports that “The Albemarle Board of Supervisors has voted to pay a consultant to determine if the county’s existing policy on cell towers will impede implementation of the next generation of wireless communications services.”

Infrastructure – wired and wireless is crucial for quality of life, competitiveness and economic development. Let’s hope the County figures this out.

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FHA Loan Limits in Charlottesville – What Do they Mean?

Once again I’ve asked the expert to explain something we’ve seen in the news recently, and put it in context for those of us in Charlottesville Thanks, Matt. Much has been made of the reinstatement as of October 1, 2011 of the FHA high cost loan limits. In actuality, this will have no effect on Central Virginia borrowers. To provide some background, if we exclude…

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