My Home’s LEAP Energy Makeover Continues

Today was interesting. As part of the LEAP Energy Makeover, the 2nd phase of my home’s energy efficient makeover began …

Foam insulation’s not cheap, and it wasn’t fully covered by the award, but doing it was the right choice. We’re nearing the finish of the makeover, and I an my family are looking forward to feeling the difference, both in our home and in our monthly budget.

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HARP – Simplified


The good thing about the interweb is that when friends write smart things, I can read them. And share them with you. Dan Green has lots of answers to many of the questions about HARP . From “am I eligible to refinance under this new program (HARP)?” to “can I refinance an investment/rental property with HARP?” to “Is there a minimum credit score to use the HARP program?”

If you’re interested in an excellent primer, read Dan’s post.

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Real Estate and Coaching Soccer – More Similarities than You Know

Like coaching soccer, there’s no real manual for practicing real estate representation.

I’ve coached soccer for about 12 years now, first my older daughter for seven years and now I’m in my third year coaching my younger one. Few things bring the the joy, frustration and enduring, lifelong satisfaction as does coaching soccer (more on the community aspect in a later story).

A few weeks ago we were warming up before a game. Mind you, this is U-8 (under 8 years old) soccer – 11 little girls. I was kicking the ball with one of my girls and she suddenly turned away.

She was crying. And I had no idea why.

I put my arm around her, kneeled down beside her and asked what was wrong.

She said, “my mommy and daddy aren’t here to watch me play.” (she had come with another parent)

Heart breaking. and –

This wasn’t in the coaching handbook!

Like life, real estate and soccer, the handbooks (you know, the ones with all the fine print written in invisible ink?) doesn’t cover much of anything useful.

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