Fall Foliage and Festivals in Charlottesville

Fall is the best time of year in Charlottesville; Spring is a close second.

I closed with this last year; this year I’ll lead with it:

Enjoy the colors, because you never know; you might not be here next year.

Fall Foliage in Charlottesville

Question from a reader: I am planning a trip to Charlottesville to photograph the fall folliage. It is a day trip and I am trying to figure the best place to go.

Answer: Anytime between the second week of October and the second week of November.

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5 Things to Do NOW If You’re Putting your House on the Market in the Spring

1 – Take pictures now. 2 – Start conserving energy and water. “How much does it cost to operate this home”? is one of the most common questions buyers are asking now. 3 – Do those things now that you’ve been meaning to do since you moved in. You know: caulking around the windows, replacing that screen, putting that threshold back … you know the…

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Belvedere Neighborhood Seems to be Turning the Corner

A lot has changed since Belvedere’s inception, but it seems that they are in the process of turning the corner.

In May of this year, I noted that sales in Belvedere had been increasing, following up on an account from Bret in Belvedere about the neighborhood’s growing activity and energy.

The neighborhood has been struggling for quite a while, but it seems that now things really do seem to be looking up :

Belvedere is doing awesome! We now have 70 homes sold, with more under contract, several spec homes being built and only 15 spots left in Phase One! Our annual HOA meeting was just a few days ago and we are still thinking over all the information. The community voted a member onto the Board (a big deal, since we often have issues that need addressing and did not have any Board presence until now per the HOA agreement). The meeting was full of excellent and interesting news.


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