
“Untitled” because I can’t think of an appropriate title.

I ride my bike with my younger daughter frequently. In two days, she will be a second grader.

This morning we recommenced our morning ritual of riding our bikes to the Crozet Mudhouse, a pit stop on the path to Crozet Elementary.

Upon our return home, we stopped for a bit of exploration and she seized the opportunity to cut me to the quick:


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Stonefield’s Historical Context in Albemarle

As seen on Twitter: Read that again: “ARB discussion regarding Stonefield (White Brick vs Red Brick). Wright decries lack of historical context – wants full redesign” The “historical context” of what? The 29 corridor? The Architectural Review Board should provide examples of what “context” would be acceptable, because the existing Route 29 corridor provides little “appropriate” context. The Free Enterprise Forum notes: The implications for…

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Politics – Will I Fit In?

“Will I fit in?” is perhaps the most common question any homebuyer asks. Is “How will my potential neighbors vote” one of your criteria when evaluating where to buy (or rent) a home? I don’t think that the last Presidential election was quite as representative of the areas’ political proclivities, but this is a start, thanks to the Virginia State Board of Elections: The 2009…

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Note from the Trenches (of a seller in Charlottesville)

If memory serves …

I was marketing a house in Albemarle County. We received an offer which my clients accepted, but it was contingent on the sale of that buyer’s house. Another offer came in, and my sellers “kicked out” the first contract to accept the second contract.

We bought a house from some of your clients about 5 years ago, the (removed), at (removed)., Charlottesville, 22902. We have loved the house, but have had to move this summer for work, so it is currently on the market, with no luck as of yet. We did remember that there was a kickout clause on the house when we made our offer.

We were wondering if you would contact the potential buyers with the clause or their agent on the off chance that they might still be interested. The market is not great currently so the price of the house is much lower than they offered way back then, so if they were interested it would be a better deal for them now. Obviously, if they do not have an agent you could be their agent, but if they do, and actually purchase the house, we could figure out some sort of finders fee for you.

I can’t advertise their house as it’s not my listing, but if you’re interested in a nice house under $250k in eastern Albemarle on a couple acres, I know a good one.

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